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July 21, 2024

Kyle Larson

Indianapolis, Indiana

Frontstretch Quotes

An Interview with:

Q. Kyle, win in the Brickyard 400. Third crown jewel for Kyle Larson. You've won some big races in your career. This is Indianapolis. Is this ranked No. 1 now?

KYLE LARSON: It's for sure up there. Like you mentioned, this is just such a prestigious place, such hallowed ground. Pretty neat to get an opportunity to race here on the oval again.

What a job by our team. I mean, never gave up at all. We had the pit stop issue there early on. Just fought and dug and had things work out.

Just can't thank them enough. Hendrickcars.com, Valvoline, Chevrolet, JINYA Ramen Bar, Prime, all the fans, too. I love you, Indiana fans. I know you guys love me, too. How about we come back next May and try to kiss these bricks in an INDYCAR?

Q. Is that a guarantee you're doing the double again?

KYLE LARSON: I'd love to. We're working on it. I hope we can announce something soon. See you guys all next May.

Q. Does this make up for the month of May when you left disappointed?

KYLE LARSON: It does. I guess a little bit. I wish we could have got to do both and run the 600. We had a phenomenal car for that race, too.

I think everything just comes full circle. Everything is meant to be. Today definitely meant to be for us. With the way the strategy was working out, Brad running out of fuel, me inheriting the front row. A lot had to fall into place. Thankfully it did.

I can't believe it. It's surreal, the win here. Can't wait to kiss the bricks with my team, Rick Hendrick who is here finally, my family, my friends. My parents are here. We'll be celebrating these next couple weeks.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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