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July 21, 2024

Patrick Fishburn

Truckee, California, USA

Tahoe Mountain Club

Quick Quotes

Great finish here. Can you just talk about your week as a whole?

PATRICK FISHBURN: Yeah, it was a great week. This is probably one of my favorite spots of the year right here. Reminds me a lot of Utah, playing up in Park City. I have a little experience playing up there. The best part about the week was I had my entire family here with me, so that was a blast. My two boys, my wife, my parents, my brother's family, I had a good support here -- my wife's parents -- so just an awesome week, beautiful place to be.

Q. Is it common that they come around with you or was it because of the area?

PATRICK FISHBURN: A little bit of both. We try not to go more than two weeks away from each other. So this one worked out good on the schedule, and it was a pretty easy travel from Utah, so we made it work.

Q. Not a ton of blemishes on your scorecards this week. What was really working for you in your game?

PATRICK FISHBURN: Yeah, I played pretty solid all week I've been driving the ball really good the last several weeks and the last two weeks I kind of changed my entire putting stroke and putter and everything. I think last week I was top 3 in putting and this week I was pretty good as well. So, putting better has changed my game. It's kind of been the struggle the whole year, so it's nice to finally see a few go in.

Q. What's next for you?

PATRICK FISHBURN: Minnesota next week.

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