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July 21, 2024

Stacy Lewis

Sylvania, Ohio, USA

Highland Meadows Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Well, Stacy, another year, another Dana Open.


Q. Just emotionally how you doing right now?

STACY LEWIS: I'm exhausted, but it was a great week. It's some of best golf I've played all year. Played good today. Just couldn't get anything close to the hole. Felt like I hit some good shots that ended up 30 feet.

Just kind of one of those days. Hung in there and cool to make that birdie there at the end.

Q. What's this like? You put together a good round, like you said. Been playing good the entire week. You just kind of let things kind of see where they lie? You have some people doing some really great performances out there right now. How do you sit there emotionally like that and handle it?

STACY LEWIS: Yeah, I knew I needed to go out and shoot 4-, 5-under to have any sort of opportunity to win. That didn't happen, so it was just kind of hang in there and finish as high as you could on the leaderboard.

I did a good job. Stayed patient and didn't get ahead of myself.

Q. The crowd get old at all when you hear the cheers for you?

STACY LEWIS: No, no, it's awesome. The way the crowds come out here every year and support us, doesn't matter who is in the field or on the leaderboard, they come out. That's why we keep coming back.

Q. Your family is here in the dinosaur shirts.


Q. Were you able to make eye contact with them a few times?

STACY LEWIS: Yeah, I hear them every now and then. They know what the good shots are. Wish I could have given them a few more cheers today.

It's awesome have to have their support. They take care of me and the family the whole week. It's awesome we get to spend this time together.

Q. When you have obviously good backing here, does that pump you a little bit?

STACY LEWIS: It does. At times it creates pressure, too, right? Because you want to play well for them and put up a good score.

But I feel like doing this now over 15, 16 years I figured out that part of it. It's just trying to make sure I'm playing four days for them and we get to spend the time together.

Q. What has been the difference this week between this and what, couple months?

STACY LEWIS: Yeah, just ball striking. I just hadn't been able to find my golf swing really all year. My coach and I over the phone last week, we kind of found something in a drill we were doing, and the golf swing was a lot better this week.

Hopefully I would like to keep it going for a few more.

Q. Have to look at the tape a little bit, huh?


Q. When you've had a year up to this point like you have, did you get down mentally or anything like that?

STACY LEWIS: Oh, yeah, yeah, I mean, it's really frustrating. It's really hard. It's hard because I know I can still compete out here. I know I can still play with these girls.

It's really frustrating and it's really hard. Solheim, yes, probably taken some away from it, but it has not affected how I swing a golf club.

So it's been really hard. So just to have a week like this is just really nice and shoulders feel down a little bit. Just nice leaving here on a good note.

Q. How do you juggle the Solheim and playing the game?

STACY LEWIS: You know, just try to be where I am. When I'm inside the ropes I'm inside the ropes. I turn my phone off; don't check it. When I'm with my daughter it's the same.

Just being where you are. It's one of the greatest honors of my career.

Q. Just Chesnee travel with you?

STACY LEWIS: Oh, yeah, Chesnee is out every week. She's to the age where she understand what a missed cut is good when mommy plays poorly we're not going to play the weekend.

She's learning what hard work is and that you got to work hard to play good golf. It's going to benefit her a lot in the long run.

Q. Got to behave especially when mom misses the cut, right?

STACY LEWIS: Yeah, but she's just sweet to me when I miss the cut. She gets it.

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