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July 21, 2024

Linn Grant

Sylvania, Ohio, USA

Highland Meadows Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Linn Grant after her final round at the Dana Open. Obviously not the finish you wanted on 18. Still a 14 overall week. Take us through the week. What were some of the highlights of the week?

LINN GRANT: I mean, overall I think I played pretty solid. Even yesterday when I felt like it wasn't my day, I kept it together and I had a round under par.

Today, I mean, wasn't a lot of fun the first nine, but managed to pull myself together on the back; made a lot of birdies.

And then obviously unfortunately on 18, I mean, it's golf. I said all week I wanted to play aggressive and have fun out there, yeah.

Q. And then just whatever is next for you, Olympics or onto Canada, Portland, what will you take from this week heading into this?

LINN GRANT: Yeah, going home for two weeks now. Just kind of relax a little bit before Olympics.

Obviously always nice to have a top finish, is I'm taking that with me and all the positives. I mean, feel like I'm playing pretty solid, and just shows, again, that when I can play aggressive I really get a lot out of my game which is always a positive for me.

Q. You just mentioned talking about being aggressive. Do you feel like you played up the aggression you wanted to? Felt like you achieved that?

LINN GRANT: Yeah, I think I did. Even today and yesterday when I felt like my shots wasn't fully there, I wasn't like fully 100% committed mentally, I still told myself to like, no, just be aggressive. Be brave.

I think it kind of shows on the back nine that it kind of worked for me today.

Q. And then just to come back 0- obviously like I said not the finish you wanted - but to come back to Toledo, Highland Meadows, what's the reception been from the fans and volunteers and everyone here?

LINN GRANT: It's been really fun to see some familiar faces again and even I attended the Leadership Summit in the beginning of week. Was so fun to be in the room with all the women and talk about golf in general and my journey.

It's just been great and I think I will always like coming back here.

Q. Last one: Back to the Olympics, what will that preparation start to look like? What are looking forward to most about that week?

LINN GRANT: I think next week I'm just going to chill kind of. Hang out with some friends. Play a little golf. Then start prepping second week.

I haven't really started looking into what the course looks like. I know it can be quite difficult, can play quite long.

So it will be a good test I think. I'm really excited. I'm excited for Olympics in general to see some different sports and just kind of -- I don't know, see how it comes.

Q. Besides golf, what sport are you most looking forward to seeing?

LINN GRANT: I'm really into show jumping, so I hope I have time to see that. In general I think any sport where I can support some other Swedes would be really fun just to see some success I guess.

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