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July 21, 2024

Adrian Meronk

Troon, South Ayrshire, Scotland, UK

Mixed Zone

Q. How would you assess your week out there? It looked pretty tough.

ADRIAN MERONK: To be honest, quite disappointed at my score. I thought I played quite solid all week, just left a lot of shots out there, especially on the greens. I was hoping for a better result.

Q. It's your first season on the LIV Tour as well. Less golf for you, but how have you adapted to the new schedule?

ADRIAN MERONK: It took me a while to get used to the whole setup and the schedule, but yeah, I love it now. I'm really enjoying it. It's great to be part of a team.

Looking forward to the rest of the season.

Q. Just coming up, you've got the Olympics. You're representing Poland of course. Before that, you have a number of LIV events. How important is it that you're playing golf going up to the start of the Olympics?

ADRIAN MERONK: I think it will be quite important. Obviously I'm going to have quite a busy schedule now, a busy stretch, but my golf game feels like it's progressing. I'm hitting the ball nicely.

Hopefully I'll be in good shape for the Olympics and try to save as much energy as possible.

Q. Golf in the Olympics is fairly new. How do you feel towards representing Poland and the chance of winning medals?

ADRIAN MERONK: Yeah, like I said before, Olympics are very important for me. I've been watching every single one since I remember, since I was a kid. It's great to be part of it, to be representing Poland and sharing the experience of other athletes.

Yeah, it's very important for me, and I hope I will be in good shape and play my best golf. It would be my dream to win the medal.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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