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July 21, 2024

Austin Eckroat

Troon, South Ayrshire, Scotland, UK

Mixed Zone

Q. What did you make of your Open experience overall?

AUSTIN ECKROAT: It was fantastic. I got my family here, and it was just a really cool experience being here for two weeks, playing last week, as well. Really my first go at traditional links golf, and it's fantastic. I love it.

Q. Even when it's so hard?

AUSTIN ECKROAT: Well, yeah. Outside of the 8th hole this week, I managed it pretty well. But yeah, I thought it was fantastic and a lot of fun.

Q. Tell me about the quirkiness of playing a hole that's only 100 yards long and it can be so difficult?

AUSTIN ECKROAT: Yeah, I think what makes it so difficult is for us all week it was off the right for the first seven holes and then it's the first down-off-the-left shot you have all week. I guess today it was kind of into off the left. But it's the first time you've hit a ball out of the left because the range is off the right, as well so you're kind of guessing on how much the wind is going to move the ball. Obviously I didn't judge it too well all week.

It really is a cool hole. It's 115 yards to the middle of the green or whatever it is, and shoot, I've played it how many over par this week. I played it 7-over par this week.

Q. You got to know that bunker.

AUSTIN ECKROAT: I got to know that bunker very well.

Q. Is it a fair bunker?

AUSTIN ECKROAT: It's fair, yeah. There's a chance. You have to hit a really good shot out of it. It does suck how it wraps back around and will go down the downslope and you're back into your footprints and stuff like that. But hit a good shot.

Q. Could golf do with more holes like that?

AUSTIN ECKROAT: Yeah, I think obviously you're going to get unlucky and stuff is going to happen. I think a lot of courses have some hole that there's always an unfair piece to it. But yeah, I think it's good for golf. It's fun. You have anxiety when you're going up to that tee box. There's just an added stressor, which is always good.

Q. What club did you use?

AUSTIN ECKROAT: Today I hit a 9-iron. I've been hitting sand wedge and gap wedge. Today it was a 9-iron.

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