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July 21, 2024

Jason Day

Troon, South Ayrshire, Scotland, UK

Mixed Zone

Q. The scenes on 18 there, how good was it ending your round like that?

JASON DAY: Oh, it's beautiful. I mean, it's nice to be able to do that on the 18th, especially in front of everyone, which is nice. I mean, I enjoyed the week. The whole week actually was a lot of fun.

Troon is a serious test of golf. I always love coming and playing The Open Championship. It's just a thrill.

Q. Just give us an idea of what conditions were like over this last week. To get a red number today must have been so pleasing.

JASON DAY: Definitely after yesterday. Yesterday it seemed like we got in -- once 3:00 yesterday, and I was teeing off at 3:15, the rain came down and we got some wind. It was just unreal. The day before on 18 I hit 4-iron, gap wedge, and yesterday I hit driver, 7-wood. It was just unbelievable the difference in clubs. Some holes I couldn't even get to. We were struggling to get to the fairway on 18.

It was just a little unfortunate with the weather. But to be honest, I could have played better, too, because Schauffele, he went out there and played great. Schauffele shot an even-par round in that same weather. I just didn't putt as well as I'd hoped to yesterday and didn't score well. I played good but didn't score well.

Q. Hopefully it'll be a lot nicer in Paris at the Olympic Games. How much are you looking forward to representing Australia?

JASON DAY: I'm looking forward to it. Now I can get home, start preparing for Paris. I've never played the golf course. I've heard it's pretty lush with fescue but it's kind of green stuff so it's not like where it's brown and you can get out of it. I've heard it's pretty lush and heavy. Got to really hit your golf ball well there.

But to be honest, I feel like the game is kind of moving in the right direction. There's a lot of good positive things moving out of this week going into Paris.

Q. You're playing alongside Min Woo Lee, a young Australian. How exciting is he a talent?

JASON DAY: Yeah, he's an amazing player. I met him when he was a young junior player a while back, I think in 2016 or 2017, something like that. I've always kind of kept up with his career, especially when he played on the European Tour, now he plays on the PGA Tour. Hits it a long way, has a tremendous short game, and he's a good putter.

The good thing about him is he's young. Once he starts to develop all the other parts of his game, he's going to -- he's probably I would say our next best Australian player to try and get to No. 1 just because of the talent.

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