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July 21, 2024

Adam Scott

Troon, South Ayrshire, Scotland, UK

Mixed Zone

Q. I know it didn't go the way you wanted, but those first three holes, just teeing off and being in contention and making birdies, was that fun to feel that again?

ADAM SCOTT: Yeah, it was good. Like it was on last week and it was on again this week early. By the 10th it was -- after the 10th it was kind of over. You know, in the end I was too far back.

Yesterday gave me a glimmer of hope, but it would have had to be a super hot front nine. But no one really had it except maybe Xander. I don't know how his card looks. Maybe he's having a super hot back nine, too. No one really held him back.

It was good solid golf. I made a bad swing on 10 and paid the price, made a mess of that. It's hard to really sum up. I played fairly well this week. Didn't do well in the toughest conditions. That's how it goes.

Q. Going forward, extra hope for the majors next year, the fact that you've come in with a second at the Scottish, played well at The Open, knowing you can improve from here?

ADAM SCOTT: We'll say yes to that today, but in nine months we can check in and see where Adam is at in his head. I'm just pleased. I've been moving a lot of stuff around this year behind the scenes in my head, in my golf bag, and I feel like I've seven months in, settled -- finally feel like I can settle a little bit and work a plan, even though there's a month left of the season.

I'll try and make the most of that at least now, and then there's still the Presidents Cup to look forward to, and hopefully I think I'm in a good spot to play my way on to that team now. That's kind of the goal through the FedExCup upcoming.

Q. Apologies for the non-Open question, but one benefit is you're projected 41 on the FedExCup, and obviously with the difficulties getting into some of the Signature Events this year, would that be a relief to ride through to the BMW and guarantee those Signature Events next year?

ADAM SCOTT: Yeah, sure. To be honest, if that's where I'm projected to go, I'll dream big and hope for Atlanta right now. I'm trending, I would say.

Q. What do you like about Xander's game and his approach?

ADAM SCOTT: Just all of it. All of it. I don't know if anyone identified the weakness in there. It's all really good.

Although it's probably been at times frustrating for him this year, finishing third and fifth and fourth and second, but then winning the PGA, and it looks like he's going to win here, two majors, that kind of all-around really good gets it done in the biggest events.

I think the greats of the game kind of did that, especially Tiger.

Q. You said it took you seven months to settle and get back to close to contention. Is that just what it's like at 43, 44? Is it a higher, steeper mountain to climb, I guess?

ADAM SCOTT: Yeah, I think you learn slower out there. You know there's a lot that goes into it, but also I made a decision, it was after Bay Hill last year. I just felt like the way I was playing just wasn't relevant enough to contend week after week, and I think some of my performance suffered going off looking to gain in some areas.

But it wasn't a quick fix for me, that, but I do feel like even immediately after that, I saw where I could make the gains, but it's taken me a while to get comfortable with it.

I think changes, it's harder to adapt older. I knew how to play golf one way, and standing on a tee and being told drive it in the rough is the best play is really hard for me to get my head around still.

Q. Sergio wins a week ago at LIV, Justin is in contention to win right now, you were in contention to win last week. Is there something that you guys share, guys turning into their early 40s, mid 40s? Is there commonality between you guys? Do you talk about trying to compete with the 31-year-old Xanders of the world?

ADAM SCOTT: You know, I'd sum it up, our career paths have been very similar. We've all had our ups and downs, but we've all kind of achieved similar things in our career. I think there's pride amongst the three of us to keep going. Just how the time of our career, we weren't good enough in Tiger's peak, but then we kind of got our shot 10 years later, and always being nearly a great of the game is spurring us on, I think, to keep going for a few more years.

Q. You mentioned Tiger. He had that seething intensity, like Faldo, Seve. That's what people think of that champion's -- the way they carry themselves. But Xander is kind of happy-go-lucky, low key, always smiling. Is that a lesson for the rest of us, that you can be yourself and you don't have to wear yourself out in how you approach it?

ADAM SCOTT: Yeah, I think he gives off that cool persona for sure, and I think that's a good lesson, if that's him. But I wouldn't say he doesn't work hard at it. I think he works incredibly hard at it. But you know, I think like everyone, I've been surprised by Scottie Scheffler -- sorry to change guys here, but what goes on inside isn't always what's happening on the outside, and I'm convinced now Scottie Scheffler just hates losing so much, he just has to win. You wouldn't know. He's the most peaceful human out here probably. And Xander is pretty cruisy. But when you're really prepared and you're that personality, I think that's how you can be when you're playing. I think he is being himself. That's why he's getting good results.

Q. Have you had discussions with Mike regarding the Presidents Cup and making that team?

ADAM SCOTT: Well, I think the six automatic qualifiers is after the BMW, then he has six picks. I'll hopefully play my way in, and then hopefully I'll be worthy of a pick. But I'll worry about that later.

Q. What is your schedule going forward? Have you thought about it? Or is it too soon?

ADAM SCOTT: No, I haven't. I think I need to just reflect on the last couple weeks. Obviously I've put myself in a better position for a lot of things, and rather than kind of chasing, I can maybe make a decent plan and see -- not mess that up. I'll figure it out over the next couple of days. At least I know for sure no matter what I'm in the Playoffs. That's only taken seven months to lock that in.

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