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July 20, 2024

Asterisk Talley

Tarzana, California, USA

El Caballero Country Club

Press Conference

Q. Obviously you felt the emotion of both sides of in this year. Won one, lost one. Just give me what you're thinking right now after playing a long week of great golf?

ASTERISK TALLEY: Yeah, I'm proud of myself for how I played this week, but I made too many mistakes out there today.

I tried to turn it around on the back but I was too far away and I couldn't reach her. She was playing too well. She played her butt off today and I couldn't do anything.

Q. The second nine on the first 18 today seemed to be the difference. She turned it on and went from like 2-up to 7-up. As a player, how do you try to stop that avalanche of what she's doing?

ASTERISK TALLEY: Yeah, you just to make birdies when she makes birdies. Just doesn't work out like that. You can't make a birdie every hole. Her putter was hot today and you can't control how they're playing.

Q. Did you do anything at lunch to recharge yourself?

ASTERISK TALLEY: No. Just tried to rest. I mean, I rested almost the whole time. Just kind of warmed up when she did. We basically did the same thing. Just tough.

Q. You came out firing. Birdied the first hole. She obviously topped and you won three holes. Did you think, okay, maybe?

ASTERISK TALLEY: Yeah, I always thought there might have been a chance. I just try tried to play my best golf and it didn't really work out like that.

Q. What did you figure out about yourself this week? Obviously done so much this year. I mean, winning Sage Valley, winning a USGA event, playing in the Women's Open, sharing low amateur, on the National Team. Got the Women's Am in a couple weeks.

ASTERISK TALLEY: Uh-huh. Yeah, I'm excited to play the Women's Am. If I can play as good as I did this week, then I can just keep playing good golf and play how I did today and this week.

Q. Is that pretty much the last event for you this summer?

ASTERISK TALLEY: Yeah, pretty much.

Q. You had a lot of golf. How tired, physically, mentally are you?

ASTERISK TALLEY: It hasn't been bad. I'm just going to try and rest when I goat home and try and move on to the next one.

Q. You and Rianne had some history. Played together at Sage Valley. What did you think of her game today? She just seemed to be like in another statosphere.

ASTERISK TALLEY: Yeah, she always has played good golf. I admire how her game is, and I just think she deserves to win. She worked so hard and played so well.

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