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July 20, 2024

Xiyu Lin

Sylvania, Ohio, USA

Highland Meadows Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Xiyu Lin after her third round at the Dana Open. To come back the way you did - you had the three bogeys before really making the switch and turning it on - just take us through that. How were you able to not let that compound and get down on yourself?

XIYU LIN: Today was tough. I accidently pull my thigh muscle yesterday on my left leg, so on the range I was really struggling hitting the ball-strike well.

And then also it shows pretty much the whole day on the course. It was just unfortunate. It wasn't bad. Like I can walk okay, but every time I load into my left side it was pretty painful, so my swing just keep quitting on me.

And then so the front nine I was like -- I feel I play okay, but then also I miss some short putts. Like just not really reading the line well. But I hit a good putt and missed it.

When I got to 3-over it was kind of tough. Then I just felt like the last couple holes are still having chances, and I start to figure it out how to hit it with a sore thigh.

And so keep adding clubs and adding clubs and adding clubs and obviously the putts started to fall in.

It was good to finish in the red number. I was very happy with myself.

Q. What does that say about your tenacity, your desire to win, whatever it may be that, like I said, you could have just let that compact and your thigh is hurting, could've given up. To end the round the way you did, what does that maybe say about yourself and your perseverance?

XIYU LIN: You know, like I wasn't really thinking about winning at the moment because I feel like I been trying to chase it little too hard.

Obviously I want to win, but I feel like when I'm on the course I should really just focus on do whatever I can do and do it well.

And then I think that mindset really helped today because if not, with that kind of swing and looking at my playing partner, they both 2-, 3-under after four holes and I will be feel like pretty much left out.

So like I would say winning is definitely a goal and I will give it a go tomorrow, but I feel like right now I'm in a good mental place that I'm starting to enjoy playing again, whether it's a bad round or a good round or some struggle out there.

So I think that's more important to me.

Q. Kind of like you said, it's just a good mindset heading into tomorrow. What is it going to take for you to do you think to maybe put yourself over the top tomorrow?

XIYU LIN: I don't know. I feel like -- well, scoring-wise I need a low one. That's for sure.

I just think this course, it's definitely doable. Also depends how the leader is playing. So I feel like to me, I hope I get a good rest and somehow find a way to not feeling sore tomorrow and get the swing, get the rhythm back.

I believe with all the things I've been doing, I still have a good chance. So, yeah, just see what happen.

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