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July 20, 2024

Linn Grant

Sylvania, Ohio, USA

Highland Meadows Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Linn Grant after her third round at the Dana Open. Linn, just take us through the round today. I know there were tons of birdies out there. Tell me how the round was.

LINN GRANT: A bit up and down. I think I started off quite well and it was just like a slow day for me.

Didn't really get too close to the pins, didn't hit any good putts really.

So I just accepted it was one of those days and just thought to myself if I could get under par today that would be pretty solid.

Q. Not out of it yet. I know this can be a rewarding and punishing course. What makes this course so birdieable and yet tricky at the same time?

LINN GRANT: I think you - at least I - feel like I can being quite aggressive out here. Like any other course if you're not hitting the ball well or hit a bad shot with all the trees and some rough here and there, you can get quite punished.

But I feel like if you can just take your bogey and walk away with some positivity, it kind of catches up to you.

Q. As the defending champion, what are you reflecting on going into tomorrow from last year to get you in that mindset to win?

LINN GRANT: I think last year I had a minus-9 and a minus-7, so I know that this is possible on this course. I also know playing in the last group it's quite nerve-wracking.

It's not always that the scores are super low, so for me I'm just going to go out and try to play like I've done the last two days and see how far that goes.

Q. What has the support been like for you this weekend and throughout the week as the defending champion?

LINN GRANT: I mean, I think it's really fun. It's not very often you get to defend a title, so to me it's just one of -- another experience.

It's really fun to be back. I mean, I like this course. Gives me a lot of, what you call, like motivation and confidence.

So I think it's really fun to play and I think that's just the mindset I'm going go out with tomorrow.

Q. You mentioned you're comfortable playing aggressive on it course. Going into the final round, are you feeling like you're going go in aggressive tomorrow. What's the mindset?

LINN GRANT: Yeah, for sure. The greens are still soft so if you can, like I said, be aggressive and get rewarded with hitting good shots, like you get really close.

So, yeah, I'm just going to try to go out and have that mindset and hope to see some more putts roll in.

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