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July 20, 2024

Stacy Lewis

Sylvania, Ohio, USA

Highland Meadows Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Stacy Lewis after her third round at the Dana Open. Really solid round today. Your second super solid round of the week - third probably.


Q. Just take us through the round today.

STACY LEWIS: Yeah, I mean, played the front nine actually really well. We were talking last night that I think the front nine plays harder on this golf course.

So got off to a really good start and kind of kept it going with the birdies on 8 and 9.

Really just played solid all day. Would've loved to have had one of those last two putts there, either the one on 17 or 18.

All in all, just solid. Going to have to go shoot a really good one tomorrow.

Q. This course seems pretty birdieable today. What makes it that way?

STACY LEWIS: I don't know. I think you always see good scores here on Saturday because the stress is gone of making the cut and people can kind of free it up.

But really as long as you get the ball in the fairway and have a reasonably short club in your hand you can make a birdie.

So it's just kind of the way that this golf course plays. But you also see some scores on the other side, too, of not making birdies.

So really just have to stay patient and take them when they come.

Q. What was the support like out there for you today? I know a lot of the Ohioans come out to see you.

STACY LEWIS: Yeah, had a good crowd again, lots of family members back out. I always get a ton of support here and they definitely claim me around here.

Q. What have you thought about like the field and the numbers in terms of scores that we're seeing so far throughout the first three days?

STACY LEWIS: I think it's just the level of play of this tour. I'll tell you from ten years ago we're playing a much longer golf course. We're on the backs of almost every tee box now and the scores just continue to get better.

That's just the level of play out here. These girls are really, really good. They're young and they're coming out ready to play at 20, 21, 22 years old.

So it's just become -- it's slowly become harder and harder to win because there are so many good players.

Q. For the position you're in right now on the leaderboard, is there a mentality change for the last day, or just continue doing what's been working?

STACY LEWIS: It's what's been working. Hopefully just get off to a really good start and you can maybe free things up a little on the back nine and try to make some birdies.

Definitely go make a run. I'm in a position where you can post a number and see what happens. We've seen crazier things happen on 17 and 18 throughout the years here, so just go try it post and number and hopefully it's enough.

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