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July 20, 2024

Matthew Jordan

Troon, South Ayrshire, Scotland, UK

Mixed Zone

Q. Well played today. How would you assess your /-P round?

MATTHEW JORDAN: It was hard work. Yeah, it was difficult to say the least. Obviously happy with it.

I don't know quite know how to summarise it just yet. That back nine was just so tough. I was hitting clubs into there from yardages that I probably did when I was like 13, 14. It was just a complete grind, and I did really well. Yes, annoyingly, the last probably dictates your mood a bit more than it should, but I can't be unhappy.

Q. You finished with a bogey, but in these conditions do you have to be realistic about even par?

MATTHEW JORDAN: Yeah, of course, and I think to be honest, I think that was probably my first three-putt of the week anyway.

Did well to get up on the front nine which you had to do because I knew how tough the back nine was going to be, so glad I was able to do that a bit. Picked up a couple of birdies, holed the odd par putt, missed a few par putts. That's what it was going to be. It's hard to be, again, perfect like it was the first couple of days.

Q. How much does it help that you've played links golf all your life and are used to this?

MATTHEW JORDAN: Yeah, everyone says are you used to this or do you enjoy it. Not really. I don't think anyone enjoys this. But I guess, yeah, maybe being a bit more used to it does help, but I would much prefer it to be nice and sunny, just a bit of breeze, and we all just play from there really.

Q. How much did your experience last year help ease the nerves this year?

MATTHEW JORDAN: Yeah, of course. When you come here, you're nervous from almost start to finish in a way, especially when you're up there. Of course it will be no different and it will be the same, but I don't think it's going to, as I say, be too different to what I've experienced in the first three days.

I obviously did it last year, but it all comes down to good golf and trying to score well.

Q. What was the most eye-opening club and yardage you hit on the back nine?

MATTHEW JORDAN: How long have you got? The 3-wood into 17 when I probably knew I wasn't going to get there anyway. I said to Chris, I can't hit driver, though. I can't do that on a par-3.

Q. What was the yardage for you?

MATTHEW JORDAN: That was about 220 front, high 230s I think it was, so that was 3-wood.

15, I didn't hit it the best, but I don't think I could have reached 15 really with two amazing hits.

I think those are the two standouts. But yeah, that whole back nine, it was so hard.

Q. You wouldn't hit driver on 17 just purely out of pride?

MATTHEW JORDAN: A bit, yeah. To be honest, I think driver would have landed towards the back of the green and it wasn't the club. Put it this way: I had to hit a really good 3-wood to get close to pin high.

Q. Does this weather actually remind you of Hoylake last year?

MATTHEW JORDAN: It does a bit. I was trying to think if it was worse or better, and I think it was probably a bit worse. But yeah, very similar.

I mean, it's just -- it was just hard work. As I say, I'm trying to sort out and think back to what it was like, and we were just drenched from start to finish, I guess. We did well to keep as dry as we were.

Q. Do you take confidence from last year?

MATTHEW JORDAN: Yeah, of course, that I know that I can perform. Each and every round I performed well last year, so certainly in that final round when you want to finish off the week as well as possible, that'll be what I aim to do and see what happens coming in. I don't know who's going to be leading, and I don't know with what score. Who knows if I get off to a good start and the leaders drop one or two more, I might be there or thereabouts.

Q. (Indiscernible).

MATTHEW JORDAN: No, I'm not. As I say, I don't have a clue how people -- 17 is playing so difficult. I think probably four, maybe five might lead, but 17 is so difficult and 18 is really hard. We'll see. We'll see what happens.

Q. What do you think the winning score is, 8-under?

MATTHEW JORDAN: I don't know. I need to check the weather, to be honest. I don't know what the weather is actually going to be like. I think it's going to be better. I think from what I saw early on, it's going to be downwind on the first and stuff like that, but even still, the greens were still quite firm even with all this rain. Playing downwind isn't that easy anyway.

Q. As you mentioned there, it could be four or five. That would leave you well in the mix. What's the thought process going into tomorrow?

MATTHEW JORDAN: Same again like I've done each day really. Just try and start well and try and pick up a couple early on if it's possible. If not, stay patient and all of that. But yeah, my goal certainly tomorrow will be to start well and play the first few holes as well as I can, and we'll see what happens from there.

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