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July 20, 2024

Sean Crocker

Troon, South Ayrshire, Scotland, UK

Mixed Zone

Q. I just wanted to ask you a few questions because there's a very interesting coincidence, you and Dean playing the tournament together, and both your fathers played cricket for Zimbabwe, and they played the first Test match together. I just wanted to get your thought on that, first of all, on that unique coincidence.

SEAN CROCKER: Yeah, it's pretty cool, the fact that my dad and Dean's dad both played Test cricket together, and for a short while Dean and I both playing on the DP World Tour and now playing in a major, not together but in the same field, it's pretty cool.

I think probably the dads are more joyful about it. I don't think they've bumped into each other yet, but if they do, it could be some carnage.

Q. Are they both here?

SEAN CROCKER: Yeah, they're both here. If they get together, it could be carnage.

Q. You've never thought of taking up cricket?

SEAN CROCKER: When we moved to the States, it wasn't really an option. I started playing baseball instead. But I think if we had moved anywhere other than America, I probably would have been a cricketer.

Q. And your father was an influence on you taking up golf?

SEAN CROCKER: Yeah, yeah, so my dad was also a very good golfer but obviously played Test cricket, and then when he hurt his back started playing golf. That was kind of my way into the game was through him.

Q. You and Dean, have you spoken together about this unique --

SEAN CROCKER: Yeah, yeah, I was with Dean on Tuesday night for Srixon. We had a dinner and we were both kind of joking we were trying to keep our dads away from each other this week because if they do, I think some alcohol is going to get hurt if they get together.

Q. How amazing is it, you go to the States, Dean goes to South Africa, both of you take up golf, and both of you meet like this?

SEAN CROCKER: Yeah, it's a crazy coincidence, the fact that they were both very good athletes, and then Dean and I both ended up becoming golfers and playing at this level, it's special, and I think they both cherish it quite a bit. The fact that Dean is doing really well is also quite a -- even though we both don't play under the Zim flag we have our roots and heritage there, so secretly we're Zimbabweans.

Q. Tell me about the tournament so far; pretty solid today?

SEAN CROCKER: Yeah, I think we got lucky this time. I don't think we had the best draw the first two days. It was nice to get an under-par round in at The Open and beat this rain.

Q. If a cricket match is going on, who are you supporting?

SEAN CROCKER: Hmm. I mean, Zimbabwe is no good at Test cricket anymore, so I'd go Australia probably if I'm going to root for someone. I can't root for the English.

Q. Who is your favourite cricketer?

SEAN CROCKER: I've got to say my dad because I haven't watched enough cricket to know. But the little I do know of my dad's Test days as a cricketer, I've got to say him.

Q. Do you get to watch cricket at home?

SEAN CROCKER: Only when I'm staying with my parents. Only when I go visit them is cricket on pretty much every day.

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