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July 20, 2024

Byeong Hun An

Troon, South Ayrshire, Scotland, UK

Mixed Zone

Q. Tell us about your round today. What went well for you? What was difficult?

BYEONG HUN AN: It was good. I mean, tee to green, it was solid. Let me think. I don't think I hit any fairway bunkers today, I believe. Maybe one or two. I hit it in the bunker on 7, but it was reachable to the green, so it was not too bad. But overall I think it was great. Hit some good shots, made some great putts.

The last couple holes are playing tough. It was a good finish, I think.

Q. Compared to previous experiences in the links, in the Open, how is this week for you?

BYEONG HUN AN: I mean, it's terrible. I don't care how many Opens you play in this weather, it still doesn't feel pleasant outside. But it happens. At least it's not windy. Yes, it's raining a lot, but at least it's not windy and the rain. That would have made it a lot tougher.

But you've just got to know the ball doesn't go as far. You've got to calculate that in the mind. You've just got to play it.

Q. What's your vision, your reality for tomorrow?

BYEONG HUN AN: Same thing. I don't know how many shots I'll be back, but I've just got to try my best and make as many birdies as I can.

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