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July 19, 2024

Chez Reavie

Truckee, California, USA

Tahoe Mountain Club

Press Conference

Q. Just want to talk about birdie at the last to kind of get you into a good spot. Just talk about that. I know it's not a for sure made cut, but talk about that.

CHEZ REAVIE: I had to make a lot of birdies coming in. It was a stressful day. Hit the ball well. Had a lot of good looks. Just didn't get anything going. Luckily, buckled down there the last five, six holes and made a bunch of birdies.

Q. When you come into a day like today knowing you have to post something, does that weigh on you, or do you try to be aggressive and go after it?

CHEZ REAVIE: It is what it is. You've always got to be aggressive in this format anyways, but you have to hit it good off the tee to be aggressive. Fortunately, I was able to do that today and make some putts.

Q. Take us through the birdie on your last hole from tee to green if you could.

CHEZ REAVIE: It was nice. Hit a nice drive in the fairway. Had a good number. What was it, 112 to the hole, 113. It was a perfect sand wedge.

Luckily, hit it nice and close. Landed just right of the hole and spun it back right next to it and tapped it in.

Q. What were the emotions when you tapped that in to hopefully get into the weekend?

CHEZ REAVIE: It was nice to go from 12 to 14. Looks like 12 is probably going to get in. I think 14 is definitely going to get in I think. I haven't looked at it yet. Definitely has a better chance than 12, so I'm happy about that.

Q. Obviously nothing is guaranteed out here, so every time you can make a cut, talk will how important that is.

CHEZ REAVIE: You have to fight to make the weekend. That's what makes it so fun. It's like a tournament within the tournament.

A lot of weeks you fight to make the cut, and then you have a greet weekend and finish in the top five, top three, even win. So still having a chance on the weekend is huge.

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