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July 19, 2024

Asterisk Talley

Tarzana, California, USA

El Caballero Country Club

Press Conference

Q. All right, it's been a really great week so far. Obviously not done yesterday. How does it feel to be back in a second USGA Championship match in the same summer?

ASTERISK TALLEY: It feels amazing. I just hope I play good tomorrow. I don't really care how the -- I mean, of course I care how it goes, but whatever happens I'm going to be proud of myself for this week.

And I know it's in God's hands tomorrow and he's going to help me through the match tomorrow no matter how it ends up.

Q. Four birdies in your last five holes. What was working for you?

ASTERISK TALLEY: I feel like the putter was on. I was also hitting it close at the same time. I feel like just everything kind of worked out.

I would hit it to like five feet and make the putt. Something clicked on the back nine and I feel like that helped me pull through the match.

Q. Would you say it was more so your own game or also just getting used to the course and knowing what to expect on each hole?

ASTERISK TALLEY: I feel like my game kind of clicked on the back, and I feel like I just -- the putt on 9 kind of gave me momentum for the back nine, and I feel like I just -- I had a lot of confidence going into the back and it kind of worked.

Q. Talk a little bit about your confidence going into tomorrow and your preparation.

ASTERISK TALLEY: I feel like I'm just going to do the same thing. Just do the same thing I have been tonight and in the morning and just prepare the same way. I feel like it's been working so I don't know why I would change it.

Q. How much do you know about Rianne?

ASTERISK TALLEY: I roomed with her one time at Sage, and we were first and second. It's going to be fun tomorrow. She's a great person and I know we're going to have a lot of fun tomorrow no matter how it ends.

She's so nice and she's just a great person, so I'm going to love to play with her.

Q. I hear your parents left and you're staying with a host family; is that right?


Q. In Thousand Oaks?


Q. How long have you been with that new family?

ASTERISK TALLEY: Since after the second practice round, so before the -- or after the first day.

Q. First stroke play day, so Monday?

ASTERISK TALLEY: Yeah, because I had a 7:00 tee times and so I stayed in the hotel and then after the round I went over there.

Q. What are there that names?

ASTERISK TALLEY: I don't know. Their last name is Sheeling (phonetic), but I don't remember their first names. You can ask them. It's my dad's friends, like his family.

Q. So he knew this family?


Q. So not something --

ASTERISK TALLEY: Not a stranger, no.

Q. What was it like today to play a fellow junior? You guys were giggling on the first tee. You know each other. You developed a little bit of a bond I understand.

ASTERISK TALLEY: It was so fun. When I would be down we would be laughing and she would be down and we would be laughing, and it was just a fun match out there.

Q. What about the chance to win the second USGA title? Only three girls have done it.

ASTERISK TALLEY: Yeah, I hope to pull through tomorrow. I just hope to play my same game. I mean, if I play good it all works out. If I play decent, I'll still try to battle back and play to the end.

Q. 10-0 in USGA match play this year.

ASTERISK TALLEY: That's nice to hear. Hopefully we'll make it 11-0.

Q. You played Junior Solheim and Ryder Cup last year or just Solheim?


Q. And what was the AJGA event you won last year, the big one?


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