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July 19, 2024

Xiyu Lin

Sylvania, Ohio, USA

Highland Meadows Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Here now with Xiyu Lin after her second round at the Dana Open. Take us through the day today. Pretty clean scorecard. Just what was working for you?

XIYU LIN: Like yesterday at the back nine I really find some rhythm and find something in the swing, and I think today I start off really well.

So first couple hole that I par'd I have some pretty good opportunities. Then I was -- I think this morning was a little more moisture with the greens so I kind of leave some putts short.

But I'm glad I make three birdie before the turn. And then after I make the turn, there are just a couple bumps. Then I think I did pretty well saving most of par overall.

Obviously it's nice to birdie the last hole since I didn't birdie 17.

Q. You've had a lot of scoring opportunities the last couple days. This definitely seems like a course that -- they're doing a flyover for Lexi.

XIYU LIN: When is the flying?

Q. Just now. That's what it was.

You have had a lot of scoring opportunities today and yesterday. Is this just a course that no matter what shape your game is in it suits your eye well, you know how to operate the course and allow yourself to have those scoring opportunities?

XIYU LIN: First of all I've been here for so many years. This is one the stops I almost play every year. Obviously very experienced. I think this course overall, it's really like suits my eyes and it's all about putting for me.

Then I feel like here I just need to get on the fairway and be smart and then I'll have plenty of opportunity. Then I just need to work the putter well. I think the green here is always rolling pretty smooth. Yeah, I really enjoy playing here a lot.

Q. You said you keep coming back to the Dana Open. What is it about the Dana Open, Toledo, that makes you want to coming back?

XIYU LIN: I think first of all, I know this tournament has been here for 40 years. Like that's, well, by far as I know, one of the longest history tournaments.

I think the local here, they really supportive and really enjoy coming out, watching us. I think there is a great little course to just walk around. It's really tight. Hole to hole it's very casual, but then the trees is pretty and the grass is nice.

I'm always grateful for a course or a place can stick to hosting LPGA tournament for that long of a time. I always wanted to put this tournament in my calendar to be playing.

Q. What can you take away from your first couple rounds? You were ecstatic about birdieing 18. What kind of momentum can you take into the weekend?

XIYU LIN: Like I said, last two weeks I was working on something, like I trying to score, working on trying to score. I think I did pretty well the first two rounds, so I will just stick to the same.

I feel like I haven't really been in contention for a while so I'm excited to be back this position. Let's just see what weekend brings us.

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