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July 19, 2024

Linn Grant

Sylvania, Ohio, USA

Highland Meadows Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Here now with Linn Grant after her second round here at the Dana Open. Ton of scoring opportunities on the scorecard today. What was working for you out there?

LINN GRANT: I tried to play very aggressive. I felt after yesterday that I really had some good game going and hit some great shots.

So, yeah, felt like I could really go out and be aggressive. Some holes that didn't really pay off, but that's golf.

Q. I think I asked you this last year; you just dominated this course last year. Seems today you shot up the leaderboard; back in contention. Maybe now that you have your second time around here, what is it about this course that just maybe brings out the best of your game?

LINN GRANT: I think it just reminds me a lot about how I play golf at my home course. The grass is very similar; ground feels similar; like how I read the putts is very a like.

So kind of brings out like just a joy of playing. And then also that I can play aggressive without being penalized too much when it doesn't go my way.

It kind of sets me up for some good momentum, and, yeah, really get the birdies going.

Q. And then to have your brother on the bag with you this week, how special is that you get to share this, especially at a place you won? What's the banter back and forth out there on the course?

LINN GRANT: Yeah, it's nice to have him here. It's nice to kind of show him the place that I've been to before. Obviously like it's nice to have someone that you can chat about different things rather than just having yourself to talk to or just your own thoughts about golf.

So anything right now I think we're talking about what we're going to do when we come home which is next week. So, yeah.

Q. Playing with someone who is up on the leaderboard with you today in Janet, what was that like and does that push you today to perform at your best and keep up and stay at the top of your game?

LINN GRANT: Yeah, I think it really helps when you have two other players that plays really solid and are making birdies and holing putts. Putts you in a position to see a lot of good golf. Kind of motivates me a little bit more and gives some inspiration to my own game which is always very helpful.

Q. What's the overall feeling heading into the weekend after two really good rounds? Obviously in good shape now. What's the outlook for the rest of weekend?

LINN GRANT: Yeah, feel like my game is very good. Felt like I left a couple out there today even. If I can just go out tomorrow and Sunday and feel like I'm doing the same and give myself as many opportunities as possible, I think it could be really good.

Q. Heading into a very important stretch here in the season. Olympics coming up, AIG, and then hopefully another Solheim Cup appearance. How does the game feel heading into this stretch, and what are some of the main goals you want to take from the next couple weeks?

LINN GRANT: There is a lot of golf left, a lot of important, big events. I mean, looking at that I feel like I'm still very much a rookie on tour. I want to try to play as much as possible to know the schedule for future years.

So I was going to play next week but I'm taking next week off to just relax and prepare myself for Olympics and the last major coming up.

So I'm very excited. I mean, I'm going to have a major win as a goal until I have that major win, so that's for sure a goal. He have with one more this year.

Q. I mentioned the Olympics. Just to get to represent Sweden, how much of an honor is it? And to do that with Maja, talk about how excited are you both to go through this experience together?

LINN GRANT: Yeah, it's huge. I only have -- the best memories of golf for me is when I've represented Sweden and Maja has been in all of those, so I'm glad that we're in this week together. I mean, it will just be really fun.

It's always an honor to have the blue and yellow on and play for something bigger than just myself.

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