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July 19, 2024

Santiago de la Fuente

Troon, South Ayrshire, Scotland, UK

Mixed Zone

Q. This week, the experience, what was good? What was tough?

SANTIAGO DE LA FUENTE: Awesome experience overall. I mean, the result obviously is not what I was expecting or anybody that comes here, but awesome to be here being able to represent my country, the LAAC, my university, my family, my course, everything. It was just an awesome experience.

Q. So looking back, this is kind of the end of that process that started with the LAAC. Your memories of the LAAC, and we talked about this a little bit.

SANTIAGO DE LA FUENTE: It's been an awesome six-month stretch after the LAAC. It's been great. Everything's been great. I mean, being able to play the Masters, the U.S. Open, The Open, Mexico Open, and then finishing off all my college career is just something I can't just put into words, but I'm happy to be here, happy to be playing here and getting to know all these guys.

I think every tournament that I play, I'm just one step closer to them. There's still a long ways to go, but just happy to be done with my amateur career and then hoping to have a good start in the next couple months.

Q. Probably the third major of a lot of majors. And what comes next for you?

SANTIAGO DE LA FUENTE: I'm going to Canada right after here. I'm going to play Americas Tour. It is after I made it through university. So I'm going there. I'm going to go start my pro career and hoping to be back soon.

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