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July 19, 2024

Gary Woodland

Troon, South Ayrshire, Scotland, UK

Mixed Zone

Q. Something worked out today.

GARY WOODLAND: Yeah, it's just a fair golf course. If you hit good shots, you can be rewarded. It's tough. It's penalising.

I played very nice today. I thought I played a little better than what my score showed yesterday, so I had a little more confidence than what the score showed yesterday. It was nice to carry that into today and posted a good round.

Q. The satisfaction of coming to this side of the Atlantic and playing like this?

GARY WOODLAND: It's nice. It's different golf for us. Obviously at home, it's usually just tee it up high and hit it and kind of fly it into the greens. Here you've got to work it. The imagination is amazing.

I enjoy coming over here. Got a little taste of it last week at the Scottish and carried it in. It's been nice. My game has trended in the right direction.

Q. Completely different game tomorrow. How do you enjoy that, and what do you do after that?

GARY WOODLAND: I'm going to enjoy today. I'm going to enjoy my feet up on the couch this afternoon and rest.

Just mentally prepared. One shot at a time. Control the golf ball as much as you can. Probably keep it a little low. I like to keep it low, so that works out well for me. And then take your chances when you have them.

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