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July 19, 2024

Adrian Meronk

Troon, South Ayrshire, Scotland, UK

Mixed Zone

Q. Looks like you're pretty safe to make the cut. How do you feel about the first two days here and getting to the weekend?

ADRIAN MERONK: Yeah, obviously the preliminary plan is done now. I played pretty solid golf yesterday and today. Just could have made more putts. But I'm happy with my game. Finally I'm hitting the shots that I want to hit. It's actually fun playing.

Yeah, I'm looking forward to two more days and going to enjoy it for sure.

Q. What was your mindset coming into this week, especially given how the first three majors have gone for you this season?

ADRIAN MERONK: Yeah, I was obviously disappointed with other majors this year, but it's been a tough year for me, all of the changes, not only tour changes but coach. I changed coach, and kind of a different approach to my game. I think I needed just some time to settle, and I think finally I can see some good signs that my game and myself are settling finally.

I hope from now on I can just build something positive and keep going forward.

Q. When did that coach change happen?

ADRIAN MERONK: After Masters, so middle of April.

Q. You just felt like you needed a new voice?

ADRIAN MERONK: Yeah. Me and my old coach were together like 14 years, so quite a long time. I just felt that I needed something fresh, like a fresh look into my game. He helped me a lot through my career, but I just wanted something fresh, and I think that was the right time to do it. It felt like it.

Q. Who are you working with now?

ADRIAN MERONK: Dave Phillips from TPI, the guy who works with Jon Rahm and David Puig.

Q. What's the one thing since then that you've -- has there been one thing that he's changed?

ADRIAN MERONK: No, it's a couple small subtle changes because you can't make a lot of big changes during mid-season. But it's just been on my mind. I wasn't playing freely, especially those -- Masters and U.S. Open, I wasn't playing freely. PGA I actually didn't play that badly. It just didn't go my way.

Just the mind wasn't there, like wasn't present in the moment, just thinking about swing and technique.

Yeah, finally this week I'm just hitting shots, which is very enjoying.

Q. How much of the result in Houston was a good sign?

ADRIAN MERONK: Yeah, it was a great sign. Yeah, I actually came after two weeks' break being at home in Poland, so I did some good work there and prepared well, and yeah, just played really well in Houston. My mind was in a good place and the team played excellent. It was a great week for me and for the team.

Q. Obviously you've just mentioned Poland. You'll be representing your home nation in the Olympics in a couple weeks' time. How much will a good week here set you in good stead for going to Paris?

ADRIAN MERONK: Yeah, I'm really looking forward to it. Olympics are really important for me. I've been watching every single Olympics since I remember, since I was a kid. It's always been a big part of our family because my dad follows every single sport possible. I just love being there and representing Poland with other athletes, and you meet the best athletes in the world that you admire from even childhood. It's such a dream come true to be there.

I know the place, so I would love to play well and battle for medals.

Q. Where does it rank for you? Obviously there's the majors; where would a gold medal rank in terms of a career achievement for you?

ADRIAN MERONK: Probably just after the majors, yeah. It's very important for me. I know for some guys, it's not really important because we have other tournaments, but I think the fact that it's only every four years makes it special. Everyone kind of is looking forward to it.

I can't wait, and I hope I can play well there.

Q. Does the fact it's on a golf course you know and you've played on before, is that going to help?

ADRIAN MERONK: Yeah, I've played there a couple of times. We used to have there a European Tour event, so I know what's required. It requires a good long game, which suits me, because if I'm playing well, my long game is my strength. Yeah, I'm looking forward to it.

Q. Can you imagine standing at the top of the podium listening to your National Anthem?

ADRIAN MERONK: Yeah, I just got goosebumps when you said that. It would be amazing. Let's do it.

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