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July 18, 2024

Asterisk Talley

Tarzana, California, USA

El Caballero Country Club

Press Conference

Q. (In progress.)

ASTERISK TALLEY: Yeah, bunch of tough matches. It was back and forth with both of them for like a long time. Never played extra holes before, so that was fun.

Q. How intense is that?

ASTERISK TALLEY: Yeah, it's really intense just like because a couple times -- like the first three holes I was like, oh, I have it. She's not making this 20-footer to extend the match and then she makes both of them.

Q. She did.


Q. And obviously playing Scarlett, you National Team teammate.

ASTERISK TALLEY: Yeah, it sucks to play with two people that you love to play golf with. You want to be their teammates, but sometimes they have to be competitors and you can't do anything about it.

Q. It was tight. You were down several times in the match. How do you regroup?

ASTERISK TALLEY: Yeah, I just like I was pretty much down for the whole match. I feel just like I would get tied and then lose the hole.

But like I was just trying to keep my composure. I knew I could pull through at the end, I can do anything that I thought of, so I was just trying to keep my composure through the whole match.

Q. I believe you won, 14, 15, 16; is that right?


Q. Were they birdies?

ASTERISK TALLEY: 14 and 16 were birdies, and then 15 was a par.

Q. How long were the putts on 14 and 16?

ASTERISK TALLEY: On 14 it was like three feet; on 16 it was like ten.

Q. So that was probably relief. You get 2-up there with two to play.

ASTERISK TALLEY: Yeah, it was a big relief, because I know when you're 1-up going into the last two anything can happen; when you get 2-up it's just like all I have to do is tie the hole.

So it's nice.

Q. Potentially another long day tomorrow.

ASTERISK TALLEY: Yeah, hopefully. I'm hoping for a long day tomorrow, so...

Q. What does it say about those top seeds? I know Gianna is a 16 seed, but she is a top player; Jasmine Koo is in the semi, so is Malixi. I think five of the top 57 in the WAGR.

ASTERISK TALLEY: Yeah, only good players make it, you know. I feel like all the okay players kind of drop and then, I mean, there is always going to be great players in the end still.

I feel like this is just a test of who can keep the fatigue away, who can stay composed through the whole match.

We're all good players so it's just the luck of the draw really.

Q. How tired are you?

ASTERISK TALLEY: It's not that bad. You know, I just feel like anything can happen, you know, out there. I could play someone that's a 64 seed and they can play their best round while I play terrible.

Q. Yeah, sure.

ASTERISK TALLEY: But it doesn't really matter who you play. We're all just going to try and play our best golf.

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