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July 18, 2024

Xiyu Lin

Sylvania, Ohio, USA

Highland Meadows Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Xiyu Lin after her first round at the time Dana Open. Janet, really solid 6-under round for you. What were some of the best parts of the day for you?

XIYU LIN: I think today I play, yes, played solid. I took last two weeks off like trying to work on some like sharpen my game a little bit.

So I think today I was a little tight at the beginning, but I had some amazing shot. I think I holed out -- I holed out in the bunker twice.

Q. Really?

XIYU LIN: Almost like two impossible shots to hole out. That's a bit of luck.

Besides that I think the back nine I play really good definitely after the second hole out and all the rest of the birdie that I play really comfortable, and it really start to get to where I want it to be.

So I'm really happy seeing actually the back nine, and then it gives me lots of confidence.

Q. Do you remember what holes you holed out on?

XIYU LIN: The first one was on 15. I was in the left bunker and I was in a downhill lie. I have one foot out of bunker, but then at least I have lots of room to release the ball. Then it went in.

And then I bogey at the turn, the first hole after I make the turn, and then get on the second and hit it to the left. I know this course well enough that that's the last place you want it to be.

And then my caddie just like, just give yourself a putt. Okay, I'm going to try. And then to land actually really well. Like land just short and then just straight like banging in the hole.

I'm like, okay, that's the only way I can stop it. (Laughter.) Yeah, that was two very good ones I guess.

Q. Lots of other birdies on the card today. Where were the birdies coming from? Putting really well? Was your approach good?

XIYU LIN: I hit some really close approach shot. I think like I really -- I really enjoy playing on this course. I'm kind of familiar with each of the holes, so I think the strategy was like pretty straightforward and I definitely attacked at the right time.

And then the iron at the back nine, I've been hitting them really close so leave myself some very comfortable short birdie putts.

Q. Getting ready for the Olympics. How are you using this week to prepare for your second Olympics?

XIYU LIN: Third.

Q. Third Olympics?

XIYU LIN: Yeah. Yeah, obviously it's my third and likely be my last one. I wanted to give it 100%. That's why with the amount of travel I decided to take Evian off. Like that's the last time I would work on -- like have two weeks to work on my game.

But going forward I feel like -- I heard lots about that course, and then I feel like it's going to be exciting. It's going to be nervous. It's going to be tough. It's going to be challenging.

But I just going to give it all and then try to have the best time out there.

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