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July 18, 2024

Alena Sharp

Sylvania, Ohio, USA

Highland Meadows Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Start off, just talk about the ace, yardage, club, and just kind of take us through the hole.

ALENA SHARP: It was hole No. 14, and what did we have? 163 I think. 165. Hit a 6-iron. I think to hit just on the front and went in the cup.

Yeah, I know that in the past that hole has been like a hole-in-one car, so I think I said the hole before, when Lexi won the tournament here she had a hole-in-one there.

Weird that I actually had one right after saying that, like 20 minutes later.

Yeah, good shot and it was on the pin the whole way. Yeah, happy with it. Haven't had a hole-in-one in a while.

Q. And then just some Olympics questions. How proud were to you qualify for your third consecutive Olympics?

ALENA SHARP: I'm extremely proud because last year at the beginning the year I was on the outside looking in and knew I had a lot work to do. Played really well last year and had some good events this year to put myself in the position to make the team.

Really excited to represent Canada again.

Q. Speaking on that, what does it mean to represent Canada in Paris this year?

ALENA SHARP: I have extreme pride to wear red and white and represent Canada. To be there and be part of Team Canada and cheer on the other athletes, fellow athletes, is something I love doing.

I grew up playing team sports, so even though it's an individual event, still feels like you're part of the bigger team.

Q. How much of the game has continued to motivate you in your professional career? What are your competitive plans post Olympics?

ALENA SHARP: Yeah, definitely after leaving Tokyo, I didn't play the greatest, so I wanted to get back and have redemption in Paris.

I still love playing the game. Still love trying to get better every day. Hope to finish in the top 100 by the end of the year and have a full schedule next year.

Q. Will Sarah be on the bag?


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