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July 18, 2024

Pajaree Anannarukarn

Sylvania, Ohio, USA

Highland Meadows Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Pajaree, so what were your thoughts on Highland Meadows Golf Club?

PAJAREE ANANNARUKARN: Challenging. It's one of the challenging course I played. Tight fairway. The course play long today, this morning, so it makes it a little more challenging with the wind, a little bit the gusts this morning as well.

So I mean, I really like the course. In great condition. Yeah, overall been a good day.

Q. So what do you think contributed to your bogey-free front nine and just having a really great start?

PAJAREE ANANNARUKARN: Yeah, I play some really solid golf the front nine, and give myself some birdie opportunities and I made couple. So it's really fun.

At the same time, really good momentum going into the back. Struggled the first few holes like the back nine, but I think I really managed to get some really good up and down and made some putts.

Q. Were there any specific shots that you hit today that you're going to remember and know had a big impact on your round?

PAJAREE ANANNARUKARN: I think there is quite a few driver off the tee. I knew that especially the first few holes in the front nine there is tough tee shots that you really need to see the shot. I pulled it out today, so really hopeful just save that and try to do it again and just keep good momentum going forward.

Q. Lastly, going into tomorrow, what's the mindset you really have?

PAJAREE ANANNARUKARN: Just going to stick to the same game plan and try to play my game. One shot at a time. Don't try to get ahead of myself. That's pretty much what I've been doing today as well, so just going to be the same thing.

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