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July 18, 2024

Stacy Lewis

Sylvania, Ohio, USA

Highland Meadows Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Stacy Lewis after her first rounds at the Dana Open. Stacy, really solid round; 4-under overall to start.


Q. How happy are you with the start this week?

STACY LEWIS: Really excited. It's probably most number of birdies I made in a round in a very long time. It's nice to see a little bit of progress.

And putted it really nicely today. Very happy with the day.

Q. This event you've played a lot. Sort of a hometown environment for you.


Q. How comfortable were out there today and what was the crowds and fans like?

STACY LEWIS: Crowds were good today for a Thursday. I was pretty surprised. A little cool start.

And then the golf course, I mean they keep moving tees back on us every year. You would think it would play easier as the years go on but seems to play a little bit tougher.

Had the north wind today, which makes some par-4s play pretty tough. Definitely not one of those golf courses you're always just super comfortable standing on every tee. You just try to do the best you can.

Q. Started on the front, the No. 1.


Q. Really good stretch to end the day, four birdies in five holes. What kicked in there?

STACY LEWIS: You know, just I kept kind of working on the golf swing all day. Face was hanging a little bit open and was able to figure something out with my setup.

Hit a good shot in on 14, the par-3, and then chipped in on 15, which was a nice bonus. And then hit probably the shot of the day in on 16. Hit a 5-iron to about four feet.

Then making one at the end is always nice. So just kind of kept working on it throughout the day I guess.

Q. What did you attribute it to? Did good weather? A course you know so well?

STACY LEWIS: I don't know. I've been -- took the last two weeks off, so definitely feel a little bit more refreshed. I worked on some things last week and I've been working on it for the last few months, so been hoping for a day like this for a while.

Hopefully just things coming together a little bit.

Q. Some of the maybe changes playing in your hometown event? Do you maybe put a little more on it? How were you able to fight that today and come out with a really good round?

STACY LEWIS: Yeah, I've learned a lot over the years how to handle weeks like this that are busy. I have lots of hometown events and people that claim me and life is busy in general. I've learned to manage the energy level.

My family does a great job. We have dinner at one of my aunt's house every night and they really take care of us so I don't have to worry about anything. The biggest challenge is making sure you're rested. It is busy, but it also is part of it.

Q. Then I guess how do you feel a round like this sets you up for the rest of the week and the rest of the tournament?

STACY LEWIS: Yeah, it's always nice to get off to a good start here. Scores are usually pretty tight here. Like between like the cut and the lead is never a big margin here, so I feel like you're always -- when you make the cut you still got a chance here on the weekend.

So just getting off to a good start for me is really nice. Makes this afternoon and tomorrow morning even better of having a little time off.

Q. Mentioned having your family here. Gerrod and Adela are going to tee off in a few minutes. When I talked to them they were so complimentary on what it's been like having you here and being able to learn this course from you.


Q. What's this been like from your perspective having them here?

STACY LEWIS: Yeah, it's been really fun to see it through a 20 year old's eyes. You know, of everything is so new right now. It's the first time. Everything is so fun and so cool.

And things that you kind of get in the grind and you take for granted, but she thinks everything is just awesome this week. It's been fun having them here. Been fun having my husband around for a week and having the family together, too.

We got a busy house, full house. I think this is a golf course that she can play pretty well on, too.

Q. Gerrod said the biggest thing he had to learn caddieing is speaking when spoken to; doesn't always talk all the time. He credits you. He learned that from you at home. Does that sound about right?

STACY LEWIS: Yeah, you know, he's going to hate that I tell this story, but he caddied for me my last tournament here before I went on maternity leave. It was the first day. We were kind of midway through the round and I had him read a four-footer. I was like, I think it's left edge. He goes, that's all right, and he walked away.

I'm thinking in my head, that's all right? What does that even mean? So I missed the putt. Missed it low. I went to him and said, what did you see in that putt? He said I saw more break. I said, you got to tell me that then. It's my job to make the final determination.

I think he learned a lot in that moment how to talk to somebody and get somebody confident right before they're about to hit a shot.

Q. I know you took the time to come out this morning and caddie for Greyson, who's one of the tournament's patient champions.


Q. Talk us through the experience and what made you want to come out and support him this morning.

STACY LEWIS: Yeah, when I was here for media day about a month ago, month and a half ago, Greyson and five other kids, they were all out here for media day and I got to meet him. They actually were hitting balls on the range.

They told me that Greyson was going to be hitting the first tee shot. I just asked if I could come and be a part of it and help support him. Even media day he was talking about how nervous he was.

I was just out there trying to help calm the nerves with him a little bit. Just being a parent you sympathize with the kids and the parents of what they've gone to to get Greyson to where he is today.

Was just trying to make it a really cool day and experience for him.

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