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July 18, 2024

Sarah Schmelzel

Sylvania, Ohio, USA

Highland Meadows Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Sarah Schmelzel after her first round at the Dana Open. Pretty clean card today. I think what is that, five birdies and a bogey? Can you just tell me about the round today and the good stuff.

SARAH SCHMELZEL: Yeah, it was solid. I found a good ball flight on the range this morning so I felt really confident with what I had going on to the golf course, which was really important.

I just felt like I committed to that ball flight all day. I saw a lot of good shots, a lot of committed shots, and then fortunately rolled some putts in when I had opportunities.

You know, didn't really get myself in any trouble and just stayed steady all day. Held momentum for most of the day.

Q. Did you start on the front or back?


Q. So clean card through the front. I think three birdies. How much do you like the finishing holes, the two par-5s in a row?

SARAH SCHMELZEL: Yeah it's fun. It obviously leaves a lot to happen which is really exciting. If you hit a good drive on both holes you can get to it in two and have a good eagle chance, which is really fun.

It'll be fun on Sunday seeing what that's like, too. But it's nice knowing when you're finishing up the round you can have a couple really good chances coming in.

Q. You've played this event before, right?


Q. Just tell us about this sort of event, what you like coming back here and playing here in Toledo.

SARAH SCHMELZEL: Yeah, it's one of my favorite events on the schedule really. I think from the golf course to the fans to just like atmosphere, everything, it's really great. The golf course is always in really good shape. Greens are always really good.

So it's a good test for us. The fans are so welcoming. They really show up starting today and throughout the rest of the week.

So just a good atmosphere.

Q. You're one of the only players in the field this week that can make a move into the top 7 on Solheim Cup standings. Is that a huge goal for you? What sort of are you thinking about each week in terms of Solheim Cup as you tee it off in these next few events?

SARAH SCHMELZEL: Yeah, it's a big goal we put on the list at the beginning of the year. As of right now, just taking it day by day, trying to stick to my process, trying to get better every single day.

That stuff I was working on the day before, kind of that 1% every day. That's all I'm focused on right now. If I stick to my process that will take care of itself one way or the other. Really just trying to stay super present.

Q. This year we've seen you at the top of the leaderboard a lot. How confident are you that you'll get where you want to be?

SARAH SCHMELZEL: Yeah, you know, with my team and everything, we're all really confident with the plan that we have right now and what we're all working on. You know, that just gives me all the confidence in the world to come out here every day and do my best and know I'm working towards the right thing.

It's been great seeing results, and I do have self-confidence from that. I've gained a ton of confidence from the people around me so really grateful to are them.

Q. Just speaking to the course in general, what attributes does it require to go low around here?

SARAH SCHMELZEL: Yeah, I think you've really got to stay aggressive. The greens are a little soft, so if you're aggressive to pins it's not really going to release a ton.

You just got to know that everyone else is making birdies so you can't get too complacent out there. At the same time, there are some tricky pins. So taking your chances when you can.

Overall just trying to make as many birdies as you can around here. That's kind of what everyone does.

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