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July 18, 2024

Jennifer Song

Sylvania, Ohio, USA

Highland Meadows Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Jennifer Song at the Dana Open after the first round. Really good first round, 67. Tell me about the round today.

JENNIFER SONG: Yeah, I made a ton of birdies out there and I really felt comfortable about my game coming into this week. I just went out there and had a lot of fun.

Q. What about your game is feeling good? You mentioned feeling good about your game. What specifically?

JENNIFER SONG: I was struggling with my tee shot here and there in some of the events. I always knew that my game was pretty good and I just couldn't show it during the tournament.

In the off week I took a lot of time with my team to figure out why I'm not performing during the tournaments, and I think everything is cleaned up and I'm feeling confident.

I'm hitting great tee shots and I feel confident about the shots into the greens, so it's just overall felt really good.

Q. You started on 10 today, right?


Q. Two birdies right off the bat, 10 and 11. Tell me how you got off to such a hot start.

JENNIFER SONG: Yeah, just hit driver. I think I had a lot of adrenaline so I just smashed it. My second shot was 92 yards and I hit my 60-degree wedge and just a tap-in birdie.

So I headed off to a great start.

Second hole I hit another great tee shot. I had 8-iron into the pin and just drained a nice left-to-right birdie putt, about a 20-footer.

Q. Wanted to ask about 1 and 2. You made the turn really clean, too. Can you take me through those two birdies?


Q. The first and second hole, your back nine. Sorry.

JENNIFER SONG: I still had -- I knew I was playing well, so I had a lot of adrenaline. I was supposed to hit it on the top tier but went all the way down, so I hit a wedge into the pin again and knocked it really close. It was about a nine-feet putt and drained it.

And second hole I had I think it was like 151 to the front. Hit 7-iron right below the hole, so it was a pretty confident uphill putt.

Definitely headed off to a nice back.

Q. Solid. Last question: I know I was just looking, this is your 12th start at the Dana Open.


Q. You played here a lot. How comfortable do you feel with the course and how much do you like playing at this event?

JENNIFER SONG: I love coming here. Yeah, I didn't realize I came here for 12 years, so I'm definitely comfortable with the golf course. Everything looks pretty subtle to my eyes.

The crowds are always great and it's very close to my home town. I was born in Ann Arbor, so just feels homey when I come here.

Q. Does anyone come out and support you? You have anybody you know back in Ann Arbor coming out to support you?

JENNIFER SONG: Some people come out and say Go Blues, so, yeah, it's pretty nice.

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