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July 18, 2024

Sepp Straka

Troon, South Ayrshire, Scotland, UK

Mixed Zone

Q. Talk about your round today. How did it go?

SEPP STRAKA: It's good. Under-par is always good, especially with these conditions. It was blowing hard all day. Started off pretty rough with the off the tee. Kept missing it left, but it was blowing 20 miles off the right.

Yeah, saved a few pars early and got settled in and played some really good golf the rest of the way.

Q. When you're playing consecutive holes with the same wind, why is that challenging?

SEPP STRAKA: It's very challenging. You can -- I think that's part of why the Postage Stamp is such a great hole because you've got seven in a row of -- today it was just straight off the right, into off the right, and you just grooved into that and your swing kind of adapts to that, and all of a sudden you're standing on 8 and you're elevated, and this wind is all of a sudden into and off the left or down off the left.

It makes it kind of hard to switch that mode because all day you've been starting it so far right, and then to see that ball and start it left is really tough to do. So kind of switching is really hard.

Q. Do you have a favourite wind you like playing in basically?

SEPP STRAKA: It really just depends. If it's going to blow that hard, probably just straight off the right would be nice, but just kind of hold it up in there. But when it's blowing that hard, none of them are really that good.

Q. When it's like cold and wet and just like a little rainy, it's like probably a little annoying to play. How do you manage to keep it a good head space when it's difficult and uncomfortable?

SEPP STRAKA: In this tournament, I feel like it's easy because you kind of prepare for that. You kind of have your mindset that's where it's going to be, and that's kind of part of the tournament. It almost makes it more fun when the conditions are like that, obviously when you're playing well. If you're not playing well, it just makes it annoying.

Yeah, you just got to focus on your shot. It does make it a little bit harder to do that. It's a little easier to kind of get in a funk out there when it's raining and kind of chilly.

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