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July 18, 2024

Santiago de la Fuente

Troon, South Ayrshire, Scotland, UK

Mixed Zone

Q. First time in an Open, first round in an Open. Tell me about the good things and the struggles.

SANTIAGO DE LA FUENTE: Good things, I started with a birdie. That was positive. There were a lot of good shots today. The course was playing tough. I played a lot of practise rounds like this, blowing into the wind in the front and then downwind.

A couple of mistakes, a lost ball on 4. There was a lot of things that went wrong today, but there's always tomorrow. I just need to fight a little bit more tomorrow.

Q. Kind of tomorrow and then your vision for tomorrow, what do you expect?

SANTIAGO DE LA FUENTE: I expect to make good decisions off the tee and give myself opportunities so I can make birdies.

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