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July 18, 2024

Ludvig Aberg

Troon, South Ayrshire, Scotland, UK

Mixed Zone

Q. What was hard today? What worked for you? This golf course. Not what's the challenge.

LUDVIG ABERG: It was definitely a challenge. I felt like we handled it tee to green pretty well, to be honest. Every time we were somewhat out of position, we got it back to the front of the green and gave ourselves the easy shot coming back.

Just didn't putt it very well. Had a very, very poor day on the greens. That's what the score reflects.

Q. I guess it's that feeling that we always say this is a marathon, this is just the first day.

LUDVIG ABERG: Yeah, the good thing for me is that it's hard. The winning score isn't really running away. We just try to chip away and then make sure that we keep hitting good shots and then try to hit the putts and read the putts a little bit better tomorrow.

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