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July 18, 2024

Rory McIlroy

Troon, South Ayrshire, Scotland, UK

TV Quotes

Q. Rory, you come and talk to the media to reflect post-round. How did it feel out there for you today?

RORY MCILROY: It felt okay. I've come in here playing really well. I played well at The Renaissance last week.

I think, if anything, it was more like the conditions got the better of me, those cross-winds.

Going out I missed the green approach there, and left of the bunker and made a 5. Then once we turned on that back nine, it was left-to-right winds. I was sort of struggling to hole the ball in that wind a little bit, and that got me.

I missed a few shots, and the double on 11 didn't help and a couple of bogeys coming in.

Q. Different winds than we've seen in the practice rounds. How big of a problem was that?

RORY MCILROY: It was definitely tricky. It was difficult. Yeah, you plan, you play your practice rounds, and you try to come up with a strategy that you think is going to get you around the golf course. Then when the wind is like that, you start to -- you know, other options present themselves, and you start to second guess yourself a little bit.

Yeah, the conditions were tough on that back nine, and I just didn't do a good enough job.

Q. Anything you need to show now tomorrow to hope you'll be here for the weekend?

RORY MCILROY: Yeah, just come out and try to play better and be here for the weekend. The conditions look like they're going to be pretty similar again tomorrow.

As I said, I have to do a better job in those conditions, and I need to go out there and play better and try to shoot something under-par and at least be here for the weekend, if not try to put myself up the leaderboard a bit more and feel like I have half a chance.

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