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July 18, 2024

Landon Jackson

Dallas, Texas, USA

Arkansas Razorbacks

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: This is Landon Jackson. Questions, please.

Q. What has to be done for Arkansas to get more Ws from the defensive perspective?

LANDON JACKSON: Really just finish close games. It starts back in January. Workouts, everything like that, you just have to execute, finish those. It's about all the little details.

Really, in those tight games we've got to do all we can to prevent them from getting first downs and really just dominate line of scrimmage, play as a unit, and get the job done.

Q. Last season, the ending of last season was difficult for you guys. What was it like in the locker room as a leader holding the team together and keeping guys focused on the task?

LANDON JACKSON: Yeah, that's when it gets tough. I mean, that's when you need a lot of leaders. I think we got that this year.

I think overall there's a bunch of us who can really keep the team together when adversity hits because, I mean, you could even -- we can go undefeated this season. Adversity is going to hit at some point.

We just have to stay together and find ways to bring other guys on the team up and really just battle back adversity.

Q. You talked about leadership and leadership with Coach Pittman specifically. When a season ends the way it did, how does he go about getting you guys to buy back in, new and old players from last year's team?

LANDON JACKSON: Really when you got enough players on the team that realize it's not just on one person, it's not just on Coach Pittman, the offense, the defense. It's the whole thing.

I mean, there's ways all of us could have been better last year. I feel like a lot of guys on our team understood that and kind of accepted that and were, like, yeah, we've got to be better.

I mean, we all just realized we had to be better, and I feel like we've done all the things we need to do in this offseason to really better our season.

Q. In high school football you were a four-star recruit, Lance went to the Texas Longhorns. How does it feel for the Texas Longhorns to join the SEC as you have a rivalry with your brother?

LANDON JACKSON: It's big-time. I think Texas is a really great school. I mean, they are a powerhouse football team every single season, and SEC is the best level of football at the college level.

I mean, I feel like they're really going to make our conference stronger. I mean, I basically told Lance that I love their coaching staff. That's a great school for you to play for.

Q. Landon, you really took over that Alabama game last year. You were about a hair away from completing a comeback and winning. Alabama had some offensive line issues early in the season. Is that something you can kind of feel from your side, or is it just, hey, I came out and played my best game possible today?

LANDON JACKSON: A little bit of both. I just studied film and found a few weaknesses and tried capitalizing on those weaknesses. I feel like overall they got -- they had one of the best units in the country last year. They just had a few little problems, but every team has problems at some point.

But, I mean, phenomenal players. Tyler Booker is a great player, and overall their whole unit. I mean, they had JC Latham last year. Their whole unit is really dominant on the offensive line. I feel like they're going to be just as good this year.

I mean, I think I had a good game, but I got to make that into multiple games throughout the year and put up more games like that to be who I think I should be.

Q. Kind of piggybacking off of that question, Landon, all three of you guys here today are from Texas. Obviously you have a brotherly connection. Just how excited are you for the Arkansas-Texas game to be back on the schedule and to be in Fayetteville this year?

LANDON JACKSON: I'm very excited. Talking to some -- not former players, but players on the team who were here for that last Arkansas-Texas game, they were, like, man, that environment was something else.

I'm excited for it. I'm ready for that game. I know a few players on Texas's team. It will be a good rivalry to continue happening.

Q. What are some of the things Taylen Greene has done to win over the locker room as a transfer quarterback?

LANDON JACKSON: I mean, I'm not going to lie. He won the locker room the first week he was there.

He came in and just his sense of urgency, he has all the traits to be, I mean, a lead for a big-time SEC program. I mean, that dude goes to work every day. First one in, last one out. He does all he can to perfect his craft, and he doesn't just worry about himself. He really wants to perfect his teammates as well.

He is one of those players that makes players around him better.

Q. Being a Razorback you have the opportunity to play in two different stadiums, two different home stadiums, that is. Can you speak about how unique that is as part of the Arkansas football program, and do you have a preference for a stadium at all?

LANDON JACKSON: Yeah. No, it's pretty cool. We go down to Little Rock for a game every year. I think it's great for the state. A lot of families from South Arkansas that, I mean, just don't have the time or the money to drive up to Northwest Arkansas to watch us play are able to go to Little Rock Stadium and watch us and really be there to support us.

Yeah, love our stadium up at Fayetteville. There's nothing like it. Ready to get to it.

Q. The A&M-Arkansas game has always been -- or since you've been there in that neutral site. Do you enjoy playing in those kind of venues and having the neutral site? This is the last year of it, so maybe you won't see it, but in the future they'll get to move back to --

LANDON JACKSON: Honestly, my preference would be no neutral sites. I'm big on -- I really like home games, and I love away games. I either love the crowd hating me or loving me. I don't like the mixed vibe, you know.

I'm big on -- I love going somewhere and running out the tunnel and getting booed. It makes you work a little bit harder, but I also love running out the tunnel and just seeing my whole fan base.

I prefer it like that than neutral sites.

Q. I know you're a defensive guy, but what are you seeing with Bobby and the offense and Taylen? Does it look a lot different? He's such a big quarterback. You're used to that with KJ, but does that change the game?

LANDON JACKSON: He fits in the Coach Petrino's offense great. Coach Petrino as a coach just pushes those guys. They're working.

I'm really glad we got him. I feel like Taylen fits great in the offense. He's the type of quarterback that I feel like every team Coach Petrino has had that's been very successful, he's had a quarterback that plays the way Taylen plays. I think that's one thing I'm really excited to see this season.

Q. You guys are heading to Auburn this season. You played at Alabama last year. As far as environment goes, which stadium or fan base is harder to play in front of?

LANDON JACKSON: That's a tough question (laughing). I like playing at both. I don't know which one to say is really tougher because I've performed better at Alabama's, but at the same time I feel like Alabama's fan base is a little bit more wild.

I mean, I enjoy both stadiums. I really like playing at both stadiums. They're much better than a few that I've played at. So really excited for that game.

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