July 17, 2024
Sylvania, Ohio, USA
Highland Meadows Golf Club
Press Conference
THE MODERATOR: Welcome to the press area. Here we are with Adela Cernousek. Just wanted to ask a few questions. What was it like being the first individual champion at Texas A&M this past year?
ADELA CERNOUSEK: An honor honestly. I didn't know. When they told me that I was like, wow, that's super cool. I think it's super special to be the first one. Yeah, it's just like all my hard work I feel like paid off. I think it's really cool.
Q. So after such a big accomplishment like that, what are some goals or mindset you'll have going into next season at school?
ADELA CERNOUSEK: Just do the best for my team. Being surrounded by my best friend, teammates, coaches, yeah, just do my every day.
Yeah, win more tournaments.
Q. In comparison to the college scene, what's it like playing on tour here?
ADELA CERNOUSEK: So fun. I love it. It is a little different. We have more practice rounds. We have caddies. Yeah, it's different, but both are so fun for me, yeah.
Q. Speaking of caddies, what's your relationship like with yours?
ADELA CERNOUSEK: My caddie is G so my coach coach. Yeah, he's the best. I'm so happy, so grateful that he's caddieing for me. He caddied for me at the U.S. Open as well. Yeah, we spent pretty much the whole summer together. He is caddieing at the U.S. Am in two weeks as well. It's so much fun.
Q. So just to keep talking to G for a second, how close is the relationship? Is it any different when he's actually coaching you in college versus when he is out there on the course with you this week?
ADELA CERNOUSEK: I think we spent a lot of time together with G now, so we definitely got close. I love his family and he means a lot to me for sure.
I think it's very similar, because when he works with me on the course in college he gives me advices and we talk about yardages and stuff, so very similar. Just here he has to carry my bag I guess. (Laughter.)
But, yeah, I mean, G is like I think a big part of like everything we do at A&M. I don't think we would be able to be as good as we are. I don't know if I would be the player I am today without him.
Q. There is a lot of caddies or a lot of players who don't really know their caddies or they change week to week. How does it help you feel comfortable out there having that kind of close relationship?
ADELA CERNOUSEK: No, definitely helps a lot. I feel like G being there to Stacy as well, I think he knows everything here and he is used to like being here, so I think helps a lot to be more comfortable for sure.
Q. It's been a really cool couple of months for you. How quickly do you have to change your mindset from this is awesome, I'm a champion, to I'm going to play in some of the biggest tournaments against some of the best competition I've ever gone against in my life?
ADELA CERNOUSEK: It's crazy. Sometimes I don't even have time to realize. It's just like you go from one tournament to the other one. Sometimes I have to take the time and enjoy more and be like, yeah, like I earned this and I have to enjoy it.
Yeah, definitely a lot happening. It's been the best summer of my life I think. No, it's all fun for me, yeah.
Q. What have you learned about yourself in the last two months?
ADELA CERNOUSEK: It's just like I think a lot of things to handle. Like there is so many more things going on. Like when you're in college everything is done for you. When you're actually playing professional events, you have to like take care of more things.
So, yeah, definitely learning more about process things and things I like to do. Here like practice rounds you do everything on your own, like how you want to make it.
So just like, yeah, just learning what I like and what I don't like on tour.
Q. You said you're just trying to enjoy this all. Any moment where you looked around and been like, I cannot believe that I am doing this thing right here right now?
ADELA CERNOUSEK: Yeah, I think it's everything I always wanted to do, so it's so fun that I get to do this right now. Yeah, sometimes I look around and I'm like, wow, this is cool. Like I said I played a practice round with Stacy. I would never have thought this would happen in my life. So I think it's super cool.
At the same time I an here to compete, so I have to do my best and not look too much around.
So, yeah.
Q. Just talking about the event here this week, what have you made of Highland Meadows? How does it suit your game? What are you still trying to navigate out there?
ADELA CERNOUSEK: I really like the course. I think it's in really good shape. Really cool. Yesterday Stacy helped me a lot with the lines and where to play, where not to go, so that was really helpful.
I think I have to get used to some tee shots. I'm not sure some tee shot where to play, sometimes not to hit driver and stuff like that.
Yeah, just play nine more holes today and get used to the green speed and some chips and stuff.
Q. Follow up was going to be have you gotten to pick Stacy's brain about playing here? Anything off the course that Stacy has maybe tried to get you guys to go to as a Toledo native? Any local spots?
ADELA CERNOUSEK: I think her whole family is here so we have -- we have dinner with her whole family, like 30 people. It's super cool to meet everyone and everyone is super nice.
Yeah, they're making great, food too, so it's really cool.
Q. What was on the menu?
ADELA CERNOUSEK: The first day was like a mix of everything, lasagna, cakes. Yesterday was tacos.
Q. How important is that maybe family aspect when golf is such an individual game? Maybe it's just you and your caddie; you're on the road. But to then get that sense of family, how important is that to maybe kind of, you know, just kind of like help you even out here just knowing you got is a supporting cast behind you, too?
ADELA CERNOUSEK: Yeah, helps a lot. It's more like home because, yeah, I think college is like very easy. We're friends, teammates, surrounded by many people. Yeah, it's super cool they've that here as well.
Q. I know you mentioned it has been a whirlwind the past couple months, playing in the U.S. Open and last week. Playing home sort in France, how big was that for you and what was the environment like playing in your home country?
ADELA CERNOUSEK: It was so fun. Yeah, playing at home is really cool. Having French people watch me, like for the first time in a long time was super cool.
A lot of people came, so I really liked it. My family got to come, which never happens for me usually. So they loved it too. My brother, he's 12 and he caddied for me. It was more like a family event for me.
Yeah, enjoyed it a lot, yeah.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
