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July 15, 2024

Teoscar Hernández

Arlington, Texas, USA

Globe Life Field

Home Run Derby Press Conference

Q. Teo, congrats. Tell me what was going through your mind as the last ball off of Witt's bat was going through the outfield.

TEOSCAR HERNÃNDEZ: Oh, man. I was nervous. Not when I see that ball. The last one. When he still got two outs and one homer to tie with me. And then the last shot that he got, he was a little, like, too close to tie.

But thank God it didn't went out. So super happy.

Q. It looked like you had a couple of conversations with Vladi in the middle when he was giving you -- I think he pulled out a vintage jersey of yours as well. What was your conversation with Vladi?

TEOSCAR HERNÃNDEZ: That was a surprise of the night. He said from here to the hotel, he said, I got a surprise for you. I'm going to show it tomorrow.

So he brings my jersey from Toronto. And when he goes to home plate, he was trying to calm down, and so he had passed two times, and it works. But he said he wanted to help me going into the last round.

Q. Congratulations. You said you were receiving tips from Shohei. What kind of tips did you receive from Shohei?

TEOSCAR HERNÃNDEZ: He said to hit the ball to left center, to not pull it, because I had a better chance because of the way my swing was to go over there. It's far, but he said it's better for you.

Q. Teoscar, with names like Henderson, Alonzo, Marcell Ozuna, I think a lot of people maybe would have seen you as an underdog or a dark horse to win this thing. What did you think your chances were? What does it mean to be, out of all the sluggers in Dodgers history, you're the first to win the Home Run Derby.

TEOSCAR HERNÃNDEZ: If I have to bet, it doesn't matter who I'm going against. I'm going to bet on myself.

People maybe underestimate myself. You can see it at the end when Witt was hitting all those homers. Everybody was shooting for him. But I'm here (indiscernible) talented as all those guys over there. They might be younger, but same talent.

Q. Teoscar, congratulations. How hard is it to sit there when you're not hitting and watch? Alec Bohm was one homer away. Bobby Witt needed one homer to tie you and hit the ball and it hung in the night and hit the wall. How hard is it to watch those moments?

TEOSCAR HERNÃNDEZ: I mean, I was trying to hold all my emotions. But I'm not the guy that is going to think bad about other players. The same opportunity that I got to do the best job, they were doing it. And I was happy for them, even if I would have lost.

For me, just to be in here, make it to the finals and going through those moments, I just feel grateful right now.

Q. Your last swing went 449 feet. When that ball was hanging there in the night, did you watch it? What did it feel like?

TEOSCAR HERNÃNDEZ: Feels great. Every single one, especially because I know if I would have kept going, I would put more pressure on Bobby.

But, you know, feels great. Amazing.

THE MODERATOR: Teoscar, thank you. Congratulations.

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