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July 14, 2024

Denny Hamlin

Long Pond, Pennsylvania

Frontstretch Quotes

An Interview with:

Q. Denny, second here. What more did you need? What more could you have done?

DENNY HAMLIN: Never lose a race, just always run out of time, right? That's just part of it. Track position is such a big thing. When the 12 jumped on that stage that we won, that put them in front of us. Certainly was going to be hard to pass. Not just enough laps of green there towards the end.

Hats off to them. Great run. He kept great pace up there towards the front. Really hard for me to even try to get close to reeling him in.

Great job this whole Mavis Tires and Brakes team. Dave, about a hundred associates here today. Proud to host them. Shame we couldn't get to Victory Lane. Another day.

Q. You led 31 laps. You've been so successful here. What does this performance mean for this race team?

DENNY HAMLIN: We were in such a terrible slump. We were terrible for a month and a half or so in our finishes, not in our performance. Feels good to have at least a solid day leaving here. I only care about winning, but still this kind of rebound is something that at least makes you feel a little better.

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