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July 14, 2024

Alex Bowman

Long Pond, Pennsylvania

Frontstretch Quotes

An Interview with:

Q. Alex Bowman comes home in the third position. How satisfied are you with the day you and the team had?

ALEX BOWMAN: Hard to be satisfied when you restart on the front row, last restart, and can't get the job done.

Proud of everyone on our Ally 48. We struggled with traffic quite a bit. Probably made most of our adjustments based on traffic, then just got too free there at the end when we had some clean air.

Really cool to give Best Friends a good run. Feel like we've had some trying days when they've been on the car before. Yeah, just built the right rear tire up too much, couldn't get Ryan.

Congrats to the 12 car. A good, solid day for us.

Q. A win last week, a third-place finish this week, 30 laps led. Are we seeing the beginnings of the 48 team being championship contenders?

ALEX BOWMAN: I hope so. I think there's certainly still things we need to do to be better, things I need to do to be better, our team, kind of across the board. You can always improve. At least we're pointed in the right direction.

It's been a good two weeks for us. Going to a really historic racetrack that means a lot to me next week. Hopefully we can get the job done there.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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