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July 14, 2024

John Smoltz

Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA

Edgewood Tahoe

Quick Quotes

Q. Best round of the day this week. So just walk through your round a little bit and what changed from yesterday to today.

JOHN SMOLTZ: I started releasing the club again. Almost not that I didn't care, but I needed to get back on track.

And the day started with a chip-in on 1. And I started making birdies, which is what you've got to do. Again, 29 points. That's the most points I've ever had.

Q. Probably your best-4-under 68, 29 points, your best round here. How far was that chip-in on 1? How far from the green were you?

JOHN SMOLTZ: That was a hard chip. Had to throw it straight up in the air. Was probably 30 feet and it went in like a putt. That got my day going.

But I made two bad mistakes. I'm really disappointed -- my shoulder got caught and I hooked one out of bounds on 18, but I made bogey. So I didn't have a minus.

Q. What was the mindset going into this morning or going into the round today? And you said the chip-in on 1 got you going.

JOHN SMOLTZ: I said I'm wanted to get 30 points. So unfortunately I got 29. But I'll take some things from this round and try to get back to work and try to get a more consistent swing. When you got 20 minutes to wait, you've got to trust your swing, and I'm not quite there yet.

Q. You got a busy summer. On the golf course, is there any golf qualifiers that you're going to try and do coming up?

JOHN SMOLTZ: No, I'm pretty much shut down for the year. We'll look at the offseason and see where I'm at. I need one more surgery on my left shoulder and I'm going to get that soon, and then kind of rebuild it.

Q. Assess the first half of the year. Who do you like going into the second half of the year?

JOHN SMOLTZ: Tell you what, it's been crazy. Philadelphia hasn't missed a beat. Baltimore and New York have switched out losing streaks. And Boston just kind of gained on everybody.

I think when the Dodgers get healthy it will be a better assessment of who they are. They have not played well down the stretch. And it really will come down to who makes a major move and gets that impact player, if there is one, to solidify their playoff chances.

The Atlanta Braves are probably not going to win the division, but if they get to the postseason, they can maybe return the favor that Philadelphia has done the last two years.

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