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July 14, 2024

Annika Sorenstam

Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA

Edgewood Tahoe

Quick Quotes

Q. Annika Sorenstam, with an eagle today you're in third place. Can you talk to me about that eagle? And obviously you've had great shots in your career, but how does today compare to some of your other great shots in your career?

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: Definitely a highlight. I knew it was going to be tough today. And obviously Mardy is playing the best golf. But to have that shot on that particular hole, that hole has been tough for me in the past. Just kind of get it up there. I really didn't see it go in, but I heard the crowd. I was, like, maybe it's close. Then I saw the final reaction. I was super excited, of course. When you make birdies or eagles here, it gives you a lot of points. I needed it.

Q. You played great this week. This is your backyard. You have your family with this. What does this tournament mean to you?

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: This is such a special week. I want to say thank you to American Century for hosting this and just every year it gets better and better. When you're here it's a special atmosphere. It's wonderful to have family and friends here supporting all of us, but just to mingle with some of the athletes and some of the other celebrities, it's so cool. The game of golf brings everybody together. I'm just thankful to be part of it.

Q. Great finish. Do you think we can get a win next year? What do you think?

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: I keep trying. These guys are good. And I'm not getting any younger. But it seems like they just hit it further and further. But it's nice to have a good finish. Played the back nine quite well. I'm pleased with that. I'm playing in the U.S. Women's Senior Open in a few weeks. So it's nice to be able to make a few putts. Hopefully I can keep the momentum going.

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