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July 2, 2024

Billy Harris

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference

J. MUNAR/B. Harris

6-4, 6-4, 3-6, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Billy, your thoughts on the match today?

BILLY HARRIS: Yeah, I thought it was a tough match. Went out there, got a good start in the first couple games, then there was a break of serve in there where I was 40-15 up. Played a bit of a loose game to get broke in the first. I thought he was serving very well, so it was tough to get into his service games.

Then kind of a similar situation in the second set. One break in there. Third set, managed to fight back and found a way to break his serve. Felt good after the third set.

Then, yeah, tough start to the fourth set. It was a struggle just to stay in that set till the end.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You must have fancied your chances going into this given the results you've had this summer. Are you disappointed with how it's finished?

BILLY HARRIS: Yeah, definitely disappointed. Going into the match, after the last couple weeks, felt like I could definitely -- it was a winnable match.

He played well. He played better than the other Spanish or South American guys that I've played on grass. A couple of those guys I've played don't move as well as he did today. He played a good match. Overall he played a bit better than me today, so that was it.

Q. I wanted to ask you about your experience of playing today. It was your first Wimbledon main draw match. It's hard after a defeat, but how did it feel out there? How was the environment out there?

BILLY HARRIS: It was a good atmosphere. My family and friends. The crowd were a great support all the way through the match. Yeah, it was nice to walk out there for my first match here in the main draw.

Great feeling at the start. Then obviously when you lose, it's not quite the same.

I went out there feeling good about my game, but beat by the better guy on the day today.

Q. What are your plans from here? You're in the doubles, as well?

BILLY HARRIS: Yeah, I'm playing the doubles with Liam Broady. That will be tomorrow.

Q. And after that?

BILLY HARRIS: After that I'll be going to America, I think. I think that's the plan. Go play Newport, last one on the grass. Hopefully Atlanta and Washington.

Q. Andy Murray announced this morning that he's not playing in the singles. As a British tennis player, could you speak a little bit about just how much of an inspiration Andy has been.

BILLY HARRIS: Yeah, I mean, I grew up watching him play. Obviously after Tim, he was the guy to look up to. Great role model for everyone in British tennis, I think.

Yeah, lucky enough the last couple years to get to know a bit more, practice with him more. Great guy off the court. Gives me bits of advice and encouragement.

It's going to be a shame to see him leave the game.

Q. What has it been like working so closely with someone like that?

BILLY HARRIS: Just being around him, seeing how much work he puts into his off-court fitness, how much he trains even with all his injuries that he's had.

Yeah, inspiring to watch. Definitely learnt a lot off him just being around him.

Q. On doubles, is it a case of putting today's disappointment aside and putting together a deep run with Liam? Are you hopeful of a deep run?

BILLY HARRIS: Yeah, definitely got to get over today. I mean, it's a tough loss. I'll put that behind me for the doubles, try and win some matches in the doubles.

I mean, Liam is a great doubles player. Played with him a couple times. Good to get a match in last week with him, even though we lost, good practice. Yeah, looking forward to the doubles now.

Q. Talk to me a little bit about your grass court season as a whole from Surbiton to now. Has it exceeded your wildest expectations or were you hopeful going into it?

BILLY HARRIS: I was happy to come in and put some good runs together. Yeah, I'm glad that I managed to do that. I mean, get some matches on the ATP Tour. Yeah, I guess it's gone well for me over the last few weeks.

The ranking is on the rise. Although I lost today, my game's in a good place and I feel like I'm improving.

Q. More determined to make sure you're consistently playing tour level, trying to leave the challenger level behind you?

BILLY HARRIS: I'm going to try to play as many ATP tournaments as I can now, whatever I can get into. Keep pushing up the rankings, that's the plan.

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