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July 2, 2024

Jessica Bouzas Maneiro

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference

J. BOUZAS MANEIRO/M. Vondrousova

6-4, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Jessica, exciting day. Tell us how you're feeling.

JESSICA BOUZAS MANEIRO: I don't know. I feel so happy right now. I can't believe it yet, so I have to take my time.

Yeah, I want to celebrate with my team, just to rest, do some physio and that's it, like a normal day.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Going into the match, what did you think of your chances and what did you think you needed to do to put on the best performance?

JESSICA BOUZAS MANEIRO: So, yeah, I mean, I think my performance was good. I play so free. I don't know, I play happy. That's way I'm playing. I think when I'm playing like that, my tennis going out.

Yeah, I was trying to put more ball in, just to be careful with the dropshots and with the slice, because she plays so good in that tennis.

Yeah, with my backhand, also with my forehand, I think I put more pressure there. Yeah, I think it was like that. I was trying also with her serve to pay attention about it.

Yeah, it was like that. I was, like, trying to have less nervous than the beginning. Yeah, it goes like that, so I happy for that.

Q. Did you think you were going to win?

JESSICA BOUZAS MANEIRO: I mean, I was thinking just about point by point. I was like that. Then it was set up. Yeah, sometimes something goes for my mind, like maybe I can win, maybe I can do it.

With myself, I was just trying to play every point, keep calm. It was like that until the last point. I had match point, and I was, like, point by point.

Q. How did you find the show court experience?

JESSICA BOUZAS MANEIRO: I think so beautiful, the court. Also the atmosphere there. With the weather outside, it's different for me. Outside they have rain, so rain day. For me it wasn't like that. I didn't stop the match, so that's good.

Of course, the court is amazing. I don't know, just with the atmosphere and everything. I was trying to don't look up, just playing, just be focus with her, in my tennis. It was like that.

Of course, it's one of the most beautiful experience in my life to play in this court.

Q. This time last year you qualified for your first-ever Grand Slam at Wimbledon. Were those good memories in your mind today?

JESSICA BOUZAS MANEIRO: I had so good memories from the last year, of course. My first qualifying here in this tournament. It was my first time in grass also, last year.

This time, my second time in Grand Slam with my ranking. So, yeah, play against Vondrousova in grass here in this place was like another memory, another good memory. I think I'm going to love this tournament more than before. I love it also days ago. It goes better.

Q. Marketa said she was very nervous today. I was wondering whether you could sense that.

JESSICA BOUZAS MANEIRO: I mean, I had no idea about what she was thinking about it. In my mind, I think that I had no pressure today to play against her. Of course, first rounds is difficult for these players who won the last year.

Yeah, it was a main point. But I had no idea about it. I know she's amazing tennis player. She has a good level. I was trying to don't thinking about it, just thinking in myself, thinking I had no pressure about it. Yeah, it was like that.

Of course, I was thinking that maybe she had little bit more pressure than me.

Q. I believe you have a tattoo on your finger.


Q. Can you tell us about that.

JESSICA BOUZAS MANEIRO: It was one of my first tattoos. It's not about the people to just saying like shut up. Nothing like that. When you're a tennis player or a person in your life, you have a lot of persons who saying that you cannot do it, you're so bad, I don't know, you don't have tennis, you don't have these qualities, your effort is not so good.

To these people is, like, I don't know, shut up to them. Of course, not for the good people. Of course, it's like that. It was funny for me also.

I have feelings with this tattoo because I said one time if I do something good for these people, I will do it.

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