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July 2, 2024

Iga Swiatek

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference


6-3, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: Iga, first match win. Feeling good?

IGA SWIATEK: Yes. Especially playing first match after two-week break. Felt a little bit rusty, but I'm happy that I'm through to the second round.

Yeah, it's good that I'm going to have another chance to play on the grass court.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Your record at Wimbledon has been improving every year. Are you feeling more confident on the grass now than ever before?

IGA SWIATEK: I guess so. When you switch to any surface, first couple of matches are not going to be comfortable and you have to accept that.

But looking at how I'm playing on practice court, I feel like I'm doing progress every year, and every year is a little bit faster for me, the process of adapting to the surface.

So yeah, you can say I feel more comfortable. But it doesn't change the fact that it's going to be tough on this court anyway because it's a Grand Slam and you have to be ready.

Q. You've had some quite tough early draws at Grand Slams this year. Obviously Kenin is a Grand Slam champion. Do you think facing a test early on helps you at majors?

IGA SWIATEK: That's a tough question because as a player that is seeded and sometimes has a bye on most of the tournaments, you're getting used to kind of having these first two matches and having them under control. So it's not a case when you have a draw like that. You need to be ready straightaway.

Obviously I treat every match like fully professionally. But sometimes you just know you're going to have control, you know? It's different when you play a Grand Slam champion or a player that you know can play good.

I wouldn't say it's easier because at Roland Garros, as you could see against Naomi, I could be out early. Yeah, it's a little bit harder even.

On the other hand, when you have these stressful situations or tight moments early in the tournament, when you're going to have them in the semifinal or something, you're not going to get so stressed 'cause you'll be already used to it and you'll be already kind of in the rhythm.

First you need to get through these first rounds.

Q. You always like to walk on with the headphone. What was on the playlist today? Does the music get more heavy as you go through?

IGA SWIATEK: I have the same playlist since beginning of last season. It's pretty boring. Usually now when I'm walking on the court it's The Rolling Stones, so yeah.

Q. When you're at Wimbledon not at the club, what sort of things do you like to do, that kind of thing?

IGA SWIATEK: Well, I'm staying here at Wimbledon, so there's not much to do (smiling). Usually I kind of change my routine for the past year and a half. I've been, like, going out more often. But here it's not easy because in the village there are probably only tennis fans, everybody will recognize you. I'm that kind of person that likes to have my peace when I have time off.

But maybe I'll try doing that 'cause, yeah, there's not much to do besides watching tennis and going to some nice restaurants here.

I'll see. But obviously, as usual, I'm going to parks and see some nature. So hopefully the weather is going to be good and I'm not going to be forced to stay in.

Q. What Rolling Stones song is it?

IGA SWIATEK: Honestly, I don't want to give titles because I already have great songs that really pump me up. Then everybody made such a big fuss about it, I felt like it wasn't mine any more. If you know what I mean? I kind of want to keep it to myself.

But I'm going to share it when I change the playlist anyway. Just patience.

Q. A restaurant-related question. If you could invite any three tennis people to a gather at a restaurant, a walk in the park, who would be they?

IGA SWIATEK: For sure Steffi Graf. I would love to talk to her and meet her, share some experiences.

Also I think Maria Sharapova, 'cause we never really talked because she kind of retired when I was still going up. And I feel like she made some good decisions off the court in terms of her business, and she handled everything well. You can kind of take example from her.

And Serena.

Q. Was it Steffi's forehand or her focus and discipline that inspired you?

IGA SWIATEK: Yeah, her mentality. It's hard for me to compare our styles. Obviously we're playing in different eras of tennis. It's kind of hard to find the same things, especially with her backhand and her slice, her volley, and me not being able to play these kind of things. So more about mentality.

Q. You talk about mentality. Have you ever met Robert Lewandowski? Have you ever had a chance to meet and chat about mindset or anything?

IGA SWIATEK: We've met but we never had time to chat about things like that. When we met, there were so many photographers suddenly around us, it wasn't like smooth.

We met at the gala we have every year in Poland where they're giving awards for the best athletes. It was 2020, yeah. We had like 30 seconds to talk, so yeah.

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