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July 2, 2024

Katie Boulter

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference


7-6, 7-5


Q. How did it feel to come through that marathon test?

KATIE BOULTER: Yeah, I mean, she is obviously a very, very established tennis player, on these courts especially. Not easy when you see your name next to hers. She's been a semifinalist here. I have a lot of respect for how she plays and what she does on the tennis court.

She's very unique. She's a specific tennis player that not many people play like. She's something you have to prepare for. I feel like I did that really well with my team. She slices a lot, makes you use your legs a lot, makes it hard for you.

For me, I'm very happy with the way I handled it. To come through it and to be through my first round is something I'm very happy about.

Q. Tatjana was extremely consistent, made less than 20 unforced errors all match and obviously, as you say, used the slice heavily on both sides. Mentally and tactically, how did you approach the challenges? Did you have to adapt your game style?

KATIE BOULTER: Yes, I definitely did. Yeah, as I said, she's very unique. Not many people do that. I've had hitting partners hitting with me, making sure I'm getting used to the slice a lot. It's not a typical way that a girl plays.

I'm not surprised she didn't make that many unforced errors because honestly I was hitting a lot of tennis balls. She made me work for every single point. I think that is where she gets a lot of success.

For me, it was just about staying down, staying focused, trusting everything that I've been doing. My game is to be the aggressor and to go after it. I'm going to have to hit three, four, five balls. As soon as you accept that and get into it, I feel like then I'm in control, then I'm comfortable.

I feel like it took me time, especially in the start. It was a 4-1 down lead. Yeah, naturally I just wanted to get better, and I did. I rose to the level she was at and played a bit better in the end.

Q. You have Harriet next. You've obviously played her plenty of times. You've won a lot of those matches. Do you take confidence from that, or is it a different ballpark being here?

KATIE BOULTER: Absolutely. For me, every single match counts. I think we both know each other's games inside-out, back-to-front at this point. We've played so many matches.

But I do have to draw on the last things that I have played with her and use that to my advantage in the next round. I think it's going to be extremely tough. I have a lot of respect for her on this surface. It's one of her favorite ones. This is actually her home club. She's been here since she was a tiny tot with her mom.

Yeah, I know she's grown up here. I know how tough it's going to be. I think it's exciting. You have two Brits here who are playing some very good tennis. Yeah, she's someone that's going to make it very hard for me. I'm going to have to bring my A game.

Q. It's a general election on Thursday. You're playing the second round. Will you vote before you do the match? How will you cast your vote?

KATIE BOULTER: Yeah, for me, I'm going to stick to the tennis right now. I don't see myself as someone who's going to get involved in anything but tennis that day for the moment.

I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

Q. You seemed to harness the energy of Court 3. It was a packed crowd. Were you happy with where you were scheduled today given the standing that you now command in the British tennis? You have had a really good year, and you are a very different well accomplished player to the one who first set foot here four years ago.

KATIE BOULTER: Yeah, I mean, look, it's really nice to see a packed crowd. I absolutely love playing in front of the British crowd. No matter where you're going to place me, you're going to get the same out of me.

That's something I do respect a lot about Andy Murray. I think no matter what court, no matter what place, you're going to get the best out of him.

For me, I try and emulate that. I think where I'm placed is not up to me. It's up to other people. I'm going to do everything I can do to be the best tennis player on the day. Today that was on Court 3.

It was a great atmosphere. I loved it. I think it was fun to play in front of. It felt like there were a lot of people behind me. That's what you want to feel like as a British tennis player.

Yeah, I enjoyed every minute of it.

Q. It was two tight sets today. The first set tiebreak was particularly tight. How did you turn it around? What was going through your head in those tight moments?

KATIE BOULTER: Yeah, I mean, I keep pointing at my head sometimes. For me it's about focusing on myself and using my own strength.

I feel like one of my strengths is my head. I do my very best in the moment. I came on the winning end of a really tight tiebreak.

It's never easy to get over the line. I've had a few recently where I haven't gotten over the line. I know those feelings and those nerves. I just try to be as tough as I possibly company in that second. Today it paid off.

Yeah, I'm really happy with that. I think those situations are what brings excitement to tennis. As much as it can be a little bit nerve-wracking playing some tiebreaks, it kind of makes it enjoyable and fun when you get over the right side of the line.

Q. Jodie Burrage was in the crowd. In terms of how great is it to have her support there?

KATIE BOULTER: It means everything to me. I think she's someone that I'm very close to. I've been on tour with her just before her injuries pretty much week in, week out. She was making strides. I think that for me is really nice, to have a close friend on tour with me. It does make such a difference.

Just a great person. She's someone who has had it tough. I really do respect that a lot. We have a long way to go for her. I know she's struggling with her injuries still. She's going to be back. She's going to be better.

It is really nice to have my closest friends here. Freya Christie as well. Jodie and her boyfriend, they all came out and made it a little bit rowdy, which I absolutely love.

For me, it does make a massive difference. I do feel the strength behind me, especially with my team and my friends.

Q. For a game between two Brits on general election day, would you like to think it maybe on a show court, Centre Court, the crowd might vote Katie on the day?

KATIE BOULTER: I honestly don't know. Yeah, we're going to find out. Again, not up to me. We'll see what happens. Should be a fun match for pretty much everyone involved.

Q. Andy pulled out of the singles this morning, which is a shame for British fans. Is it a shame for you guys, as well, the Brits competing?

KATIE BOULTER: Yeah, of course. I mean, I see myself as a fan at this point. I'm someone who has watched his journey grow, like we all have. He is quite the competitor. He seems like quite the person. I don't know him that well personally. He seems like someone who's given everything to the sport. I have a lot of respect for that.

I think that's not easy to do. It can be quite demanding, as we can see, on our bodies. He pushes things to the limits. Yeah, I think it's going to be really, really nice to see him back out there in doubles. I think we're all going to cherish that moment with him.

So yeah, I'm excited to see that part of it. Obviously it's a shame that he's not playing singles. You never know, he might be back next year. I have no idea. Never say never with Andy.

Yeah, it will be nice to see him in the doubles.

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