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July 2, 2024

Cameron Norrie

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference

C. NORRIE/F. Diaz Acosta

7-5, 7-5, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You beat the line, didn't you? Seemed like you wanted to get it done tonight.

CAMERON NORRIE: I was really happy how I was playing that third set. I was moving really well, really freely. Whenever I played with quality in the point I was really making it tough for my opponent.

Yeah, I managed to serve well in the first two sets to keep me in it, play a good couple games here and there. That was a pretty true grass court match. Yeah, nice to get it done in the end.

I was really enjoying it in the third set, playing really freely. Yeah, playing with good quality on both sides, forehand and backhand.

Q. What helped you to play freely today?

CAMERON NORRIE: I think just the way that I've been preparing, practicing. I knew I had lots of good tennis in there. I felt like I was definitely the more experienced player, especially on the grass. I think it was his first main draw match here.

Yeah, I definitely got used to the conditions being a little bit colder today. The ball for me felt like it set up quite a lot. Yeah, a bit of adjusting to that. Yeah, I felt I was really returning well in that third set. Really nice to finish strong and finish with a lot of confidence in that last game.

Q. Jack next. What have you made of his emergence over the last couple years?

CAMERON NORRIE: For me it's always good to see him doing so well. We're good friends. Yeah, I think he's playing his best level that he's been playing. It's shown in his results. He won an unreal tournament in Stuttgart. He's so confident. Physically he's the best I've ever seen him. He has a great team around him. He won a really tough match today. He's at the top of his game.

Yeah, it's going to be a challenge to play against him, but I'm looking forward to it. Yeah, I can go out, nothing to lose.

Q. Andy coming to the end, there's this void for the next star and home favorite. Is this something you want to win this match for and take that on?

CAMERON NORRIE: To be honest, not really. I want to win the match for me. I mean, it's a good challenge. It's exactly the matches you want to be playing. Yeah, it's tough that Jack and I have to play so early in the draw.

Yeah, I actually can't wait for the match. It's been a while since I played another Brit. No better player to play than the No. 1 Brit right now. He's at the top of his game, playing with so much confidence, moving so well, serving rockets. I'm looking forward to it.

Q. Only a few weeks since you were British No. 1. Given the shift in the last couple weeks, do you see yourself as the underdog going into this?

CAMERON NORRIE: I would say yeah. Definitely he's ranked ahead of me. His results have been better than mine, especially over the grass court season. He beat Alcaraz in Queen's. I mean, I think it's pretty obvious that he's the favorite there.

For me, it's a surprise kind of being the underdog for the first time in a while. I'm looking forward to the challenge. I'm going to have to play my best level to have a chance with Jack. He's playing so well at the moment.

I'm looking forward to the match. Hopefully, yeah, we can play on Court 1 or Centre Court. I think it will be nice for the spectators to have this match to enjoy.

Q. Have you had only Facu here with you this week?

CAMERON NORRIE: Just Facu this week, yeah. I had Stephen Huss for the first couple weeks, more training weeks. He stayed on for Queen's. But, yeah, Facu is here with me. My fitness trainer as well, and physio.

Q. A very emotional day Thursday, you and Jack, Katie and Harriet, we'll have Andy and Jamie Murray. Talk about what sort of day of tennis it's going to be for the Brits.

CAMERON NORRIE: Yeah, I mean, I think just in general this whole tournament so far, you saw so many Brits over the last two days. It's probably the most Brits we've seen playing in the main draw.

Yeah, they had some tough matches today. Good to see Jake Fearnley through, win his first round of Wimbledon. Yeah, it's going to be a tough one with Andy. Hopefully he's feeling better and he has a couple more days to play some doubles. Yeah, it was tough to see him withdraw today.

Then it's always going to be a good match with Harriet and Katie. Probably going to be a long one again.

Yeah, I think it's a good start for the Brits.

Q. Random question. I've been watching players call their own lines when playing sets at Aorangi. Has anybody cheated you before playing sets against another player?

CAMERON NORRIE: I don't think anyone's doing it on purpose. Actually, I got overruled by my coach the other day. I was playing with Rublev. He overruled me on a serve. But when the ball is going so quick on the grass, it's not easy.

Yeah, I lost a little confidence in my calling after that one, being overruled by Facu. Yeah, I think everyone is pretty generous in general.

Yeah, there are guys that really want to win more than others on the practice sets, yeah.

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