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July 3, 2024

Daniel Evans

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference

A. TABILO/D. Evans

6-2, 7-5, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Dan, tough one today. Tell us how you're feeling.

DANIEL EVANS: Yeah, yeah, tough match. Obviously, yeah, circumstances not ideal with what happened at Queen's. Did a good job to get on the court. Thought I played a pretty solid match, considering.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. How is the knee, Dan?

DANIEL EVANS: Yeah, I'll have to take some time after the tournament to work on obviously my knee, yeah, getting it stronger. I didn't get much time from when I did it to do the work it needs after slipping and the damage that occurred.

But, yeah, it's not ideal. It's a work in progress.

Q. About last night, how frustrating was the schedule, going on so late last night when there were other courts available? How did you see it?

DANIEL EVANS: Yeah, it's sort of the second time it's happened over the grass where I've ended up going on pretty late because of the weather, which has been, yeah, frustrating. It's just part and parcel of it.

Obviously, my first concern is to be safe after what happened. Obviously, that grass court wasn't safe where I slipped I don't think. I didn't think the court was playable last night for the large majority of the time we was on court.

The powers that be in the fancy jackets didn't agree with me and we carried on.

Q. How early were you saying to them it wasn't playable then?

DANIEL EVANS: Around 5-2 in the first set, I wasn't very happy. Obviously the people, the ATP supervisor or ITF supervisor, what it is, they were happy with the court, so you sort of play on.

Yeah, in any normal time, I would have been probably fine with it. But obviously I know the sort of feeling, which is not a good one, to slip quite badly.

Q. That was in the back of your head last night?

DANIEL EVANS: Of course.

Q. Were you aware that Court 1 was empty with a roof on it?

DANIEL EVANS: No, I mean, obviously that wasn't part of the plan. That's fine. Has a lot of matches to play on. Yeah, that was fine by me. It was just the fact I went on so late was annoying. It was a pretty bad day.

Q. How much are you looking forward to the Olympics now, as long as your knee's okay, playing with Andy as well in the doubles?

DANIEL EVANS: Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. It will be special, I guess. Yeah, I can't wait to sort of represent my country. It's sort of quite far back in my mind at the minute. It's been a frustrating grass court season, I'd say.

Yeah, once I'm done here, I'll take stock and move forward.

Q. In terms of sort of trying to rebuild confidence, ranking, results, you have to sort the knee out first, but do you have any idea in your mind how you want to try to get back to where you were a year ago?

DANIEL EVANS: I have an idea. Just totally got derailed at the end of last year. I was probably playing the best tennis I've played ever in Vienna last year when I was playing. That was sort of the start of a rocky, rocky road going forward.

Then felt really good in the clay. I felt really good at the start of the grass. Then that happened. So, yeah, it's frustrating. The bottom line, it's frustrating.

To be out there today, is really a spectator taking part, if I'm totally honest. I'm obviously trying my best to get a win there. There's levels and there's levels. If you've not done the appropriate work for 10 days or 7 days, whatever it was I didn't play for, these guys are too good.

That's not a good feeling and it's frustrating.

Q. Do you believe that is still ahead of you, that sort of level, if you don't have these sort of setbacks again?

DANIEL EVANS: My level's there, yeah. I'm the first to say, you're only as good as if you're on the court. Yeah, if you're injured, you're no good. Simple as that.

Q. Are you still good to play the men's doubles here? Is that the plan?

DANIEL EVANS: Yeah, that's my plan, is to play. I'm not doing any damage. It just needs good solid, some weeks' work. If that's not playing a tournament before the Olympics, so be it.

Q. Doing that with Henry, what will that be like? Sort of bringing him up to the level...

DANIEL EVANS: He might have to bring me up to a level (smiling).

No, I only really did it because I thought -- I didn't play much doubles. I thought we're both from relatively same part of the country, area. Why not? He's got a pretty good game for doubles. Hopefully it will be a bit of good fun and get a win or two.

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