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July 4, 2024

Paula Badosa

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference

P. BADOSA/B. Fruhvirtova

6-4, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: How did it feel out there for you today?

PAULA BADOSA: Very windy. No, but it was tough match, tricky match. She's a very good player, player coming up. I think she has a bright future ahead. She played good.

Today was tricky conditions. It's not easy to play with the wind and on grass. But I'm happy that I went through it and looking forward for the next one.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Third major this year where you reached the third round. How are you feeling especially after last year not playing that much, reaching these stages? Does it motivate you to go further?

PAULA BADOSA: Yeah, of course. Winning matches, getting myself into these rounds and feeling my body okay, of course it gives me faith of continuing. Of course, I'm very motivated.

The last tournaments I think I've been feeling myself pretty good, so I think the level is raising slowly, so I'm happy with that.

Q. Looking ahead to your next match and what is the challenge?

PAULA BADOSA: It's a challenge. Playing against Dasha it's always a challenge. We played each other a lot of times. We know each other since we are 10 years old, so yeah.

Seeing her always there on the top, it's something nice and that we grew up together. And I know it's going to be a tough match. She's playing good on grass. She came from winning Eastbourne. I know it's going to be another challenge. But you are in the third round of a slam, so that's what you expect.

Q. What are the similarities and differences between your games?

PAULA BADOSA: Well, we have something similar. We like to play tactically to build the point. We like to play on clay, this kind of style, with the forehand, dominate with that.

We have the similar styles, we can say. I will try to be more aggressive to put my game there. We're on grass, so I will take that advantage. I know that she's maybe going to slice a little bit more. She's going to play smart. So I know it's a very tactical match, but it's always very tactical against her.

She grew up in Spain, so that makes our games a little bit similar.

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