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July 4, 2024

Gael Monfils

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference

G. MONFILS/S. Wawrinka

7-6, 6-4, 7-6

THE MODERATOR: How are you feeling right now?

GAEL MONFILS: I feel great. Was a good performance for me today, so I'm quite happy.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. In your first two matches you won 87% of points at the net. At this point in your career how important do you feel that aspect of your game is?

GAEL MONFILS: Of course, come to the net, it's something that I'm trying to do a little bit more often. But is not also a big strategy for me. I don't feel the game at the net. It's the feeling that you need to have.

I think I improve my volley, but still this type of game, you have to have the feel where to place yourself, know how to interact. This is a little bit tougher for me. So I'm just trying to be there as much as I can when I have a volley.

Q. What is your relationship like with Arthur Fils and Perricard? Have you known them for a while? Do they come to you with questions? How much contact do you have with them?

GAEL MONFILS: Yeah, yeah, I know them for a little bit now. Arthur, we've been a little bit closer, of course, because I practiced with him when he was a little bit younger in Roland Garros.

We've been in contact on the phone. We see each other a little bit more often than Giovanni. It's nice to see Giovanni also come up. I saw him also when I was playing with Arthur. It's more like when they come for information, this is more for me as to be a big brother, to help them if they need.

Q. What is it you continue to enjoy about playing matches at places like Wimbledon and lively Court 2 action?

GAEL MONFILS: You know, the competition. I love the competition. I love the sport. I love the game.

With this, I enjoy the most. To be honest, it's a feeling that you can't have anywhere else. I will say first it's the competition.

Q. When Madison Keys was in, she said this is the pinnacle of the sport, and everyone plays their heart out, especially here. What's it like for you to keep your focus on the moment and not be distracted by how important each match is?

GAEL MONFILS: I feel like growing up, you learn yourself that, you know. And for me now, I come here with a lot of experience. It's so much easier.

I have different goals and different ways also to enjoy myself. So for me to stay in the moment it's so much easier, of course, than maybe at the beginning of my career.

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