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July 4, 2024

Grigor Dimitrov

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference

G. DIMITROV/S. Juncheng

5-7, 6-7, 6-4, 6-2, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: How did it feel out there for you today?

GRIGOR DIMITROV: You know, on the way up here I was thinking how I'm going to answer that (smiling).

I mean, what can I say? It was definitely not one of my best matches, but I fought through, and that's what matters the most in conditions like that, also against a player that I've never played against. It's always a little tricky.

But hey, I fought. I think that was the key. Very far from the game that I would like to be playing on the grass. But this one goes one of my top shelves in a way of competing. So I'm going take the most out of that.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. I've just seen a stat that says you're the ninth player to come back from two sets to love down, which has already tied the tournament record, and you're in the second round, which is good. Why are we seeing that?

GRIGOR DIMITROV: It's tough out there. It's tricky. It's not easy. Everybody is playing well. Conditions are not easy, honestly. Maybe that's one of the biggest things today.

Yeah, playing on that court and trying to find a way around Jerry, it's always a little bit... I always knew it was going to be tough clearly, but not to that extent. But I kept on believing in myself, in my body, in my fitness, and everything that I have put in throughout these past months.

I tried to gather a lot more of that and move on. Obviously, of course, experience as well.

Q. Saying that, I'm curious just what was going through your head actually when you were down two sets? Were you frustrated?

GRIGOR DIMITROV: I mean, I nearly remember everything, especially in that first set. I had break points to get back to potentially play a tiebreak. Then in the second set, I had also too many opportunities. Overall was not too far away from what I wanted to do.

So I had to stay. I just had to stay in that moment and just keep on building and keep on believing and keep on playing. I had to almost strip down my game to a complete basic with serve and first shot after and making sure I was putting enough returns in and putting him in uncomfortable position.

When you put all these things together, I think that's the recipe that kind of helped me the most today.

Q. You mentioned about being in the moment. What is the challenge to maintain focus no matter what's gone on, no matter what the conditions are in that moment?

GRIGOR DIMITROV: Well, you can never do it for such a long period of time. Of course, you're going to drift away at some point, but you need to recognize it.

I think today I did that very well. Like at the times where I was not playing well or I caught myself that I was drifting a little bit or not taking the right decisions, I was recognizing it. So trying to keep on constantly reminding myself that I need to try to give myself the chance to put myself in good positions.

I mean, last but not least, fight. That's the only thing I can say from my game. As I said, I didn't feel like I've played good tennis, but I felt like I was able to, yeah, dig myself out of the way that I was feeling out there on the court.

Q. Just one follow-up. At your last press conference you talked about how you like five-setters. You want to keep five-setters.


Q. What are your thoughts right now about that?

GRIGOR DIMITROV: I'm still sticking to that because, I mean, I was able to do it for two sets. Are you able to do it for three (laughing)?

I'm happy. Today I was happy. Maybe some other moments not really. But as I said, it's best of five, and anything can happen out there. Today is just a great example of that.

Q. You've played at Wimbledon both Roger and Novak. I was just wondering how different those two are to play here at Wimbledon and what kind of the main differences are?

GRIGOR DIMITROV: Well, first, I think every year the grass is different here. I'm ruling that one out for a second.

I feel Roger on every surface was more or less person for me was tougher to play against. I also understand how that matchup, Novak and Roger were coming against each other, playing when they were playing. But for me, I don't know, Roger was always able to take my time away on any surface. But here I remember the time that I played him, it was just honestly nearly on every point.

That makes you feel very uncomfortable on the court. It makes you go for shots that you're not supposed to go and completely throws you off your game. I think when that happens, you're in big trouble against every player, but especially against him.

The match against Novak, it was, yeah, one of these matches that I've always remembered. Even I talk about it very often because it was one of those matches that I always wonder "What if?" I had set points I remember in the fourth set. It was a match that I think we both play a very high level, and the margins were so small.

You see like I was more aware of that match. But yeah, against Roger I didn't feel like I had maybe at the time also I think physically, I felt like I've developed a little bit later. That also felt like it was not leaning towards my favor against him.

Q. So on paper most would say that certainly Novak is the greatest of all time. The numbers are there. But you're the athlete, and you just made these comments. Number one, who do you think is the best of our generation, best of all time? And a second question, if I could, if you could get one stroke or one quality from a different player, so to speak, and add it to your game, what would that be?

GRIGOR DIMITROV: Good question. I mean, for me I always looked up to Roger always to the kind of players that have like a similar game in a sense. He's, like, in my eyes, like a pioneer for me for the sport itself.

Again, Novak is undoubtedly on paper, as you said, is the best ever on that end. He's been able to do it even at later stage in his career.

I think it's more from athlete to an athlete I would say because there's always going to be that debate, right, who is the best? Who is this? Who is that? That's inevitable part. We're all going to face this many years from now. To answer more precise on that, I don't think I can.

In terms of, I don't know, shots that I can -- I don't know. I'm a one-hander. I kind of fancy my slice a lot. I go probably for Roger's forehand. I think on many occasions that's probably the shot that has taken him out of so much trouble over the years. It's putting himself also in a lot of good positions with that. I would probably go for that.

Q. Also a lot of variety on it.

GRIGOR DIMITROV: Yeah, but I think the variety part is more, I think it's more of the accuracy and being able to navigate the ball when you need it the most.

Q. Grigor, when there are so many two-set comebacks, is that something that you sort of notice and maybe subconsciously think about, or did you just have no idea at all?

GRIGOR DIMITROV: No, I don't think about it because it's the first week of the slam, so you're looking after your own lane right now. You want to kind of go through this momentum and whatever match you have in front of you.

I for one don't think about it. Even today when I was two sets down, I was just trying to focus on what I had to do in front of me.

As I said, it's very difficult. Every day is a very different day. The other day was 30-plus degrees. Yesterday was 13. It rained the day before.

I mean, this is I think one of the best qualities a tennis player should have, is to be able to adapt. I think whoever does that better is going to come on top, absolutely.

Q. If you wouldn't mind just previewing your next match, what your thoughts are on the opponent and the challenge.

GRIGOR DIMITROV: Every match is a challenge. Yeah, with Gael, we've known each other, again, for quite some time. Clearly, he's an excellent player. He always liked playing on grass as well, but so do I.

I don't know. I think it can be interesting I think on both ends. I think we're both in very different places, but we have a very good sort of positive outcome lately on the court.

Yeah, I mean, I want to play these matches. I'm here to play. I want to keep on fighting. I want to make sure that I clear up my game a little bit more. I want to give myself another chance. That's what happened today.

So on that end, I'm just going to focus of what I can do out there tomorrow. Hopefully the weather is good so we can get on. Then, yeah, time to play.

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