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July 4, 2024

Iga Swiatek

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference

I. SWIATEK/P. Martic

6-4, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Iga, good win today. How are you feeling?

IGA SWIATEK: Good. I'm happy to play in a solid way. I felt like I had control in most of the games when Petra served, but I couldn't really break it. I'm happy that I broke twice. That was a necessary thing to do to win these sets. I'm happy that I'm in the next round.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You've managed to reach the third round in your last consecutive 18 slams now. How have you managed to remain so consistent?

IGA SWIATEK: I mean, I don't know, because I'm not looking at that kind of broad horizon as you do with statistics. I'm kind of doing everything step by step, and every match matters for me. It's not like I'm going in the first rounds of Grand Slams knowing that I should win or I should take it for granted. I'm ready to battle even in the first rounds.

Yeah, I'm happy that I'm consistent, for sure.

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